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Woman Gives Everything Of Herself So Motherless Puppy Can Live

| March 23, 2016

When a young female dog had puppies before she was mature enough to have developed maternal instincts, she rejected her litter of five.

Three of them died within three days, and the only two survivors were close to the end when animal foster Candice Miller stepped in to care for them. She was going to try her best to give the two sickly puppies a chance at life, but she didn’t know what to expect.

Unfortunately, one of the puppies–a male–passed away on the car ride to Candice’s home. Things weren’t looking good for the lone survivor, who was named Penny.

Thankfully, things began to look up for this little fighter. Candice cared for Penny around the clock, feeding her, keeping her warm, and even burping her like a baby, and the tiny pup began to grow stronger.

Not only did she survive her first night, she made it through a week, then a month…and now, Penny has just celebrated her first birthday!

“I never thought a year ago, when I brought you home in a cardboard box at 3 days old, that this is where we’d be today,” wrote doting mom Candice on Facebook.

As it turns out, Penny is not only a survivor, she is a member of one awesome pack!

“We are a family of 4 humans, 6 adopted and rescued dogs, 5 chickens, 1 tortoise, and an ever rotating cast of fosters located in Eugene, Oregon. We recently moved from California and purchased a 12 acre rescue ranch to foster, rehabilitate, and find great homes for dogs in need,” writes Candice on her website.

What an amazing family. And Penny, you are a beauty!

To find out more about Candice and crew, check them out online:

(h/t Bored Panda)

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