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Woman Comforts Dog During The Final Stages of His Battle With Cancer

| June 28, 2019

Some people are full of goodness. They nurture and care for those in need. This is the story of one woman who gave her love and compassion to a dog in the last hours of his life. After suffering through tremendous illness, this dog needed peace. He found the right woman to carry him toward the Rainbow Bridge.

Battling Through Disease

Watson was staying at an emergency vet for constant care. A college student found him alone in a Philadelphia park where this sweet dog was emaciated and covered in infected sores. He had a large, cancerous tumor on his hind leg. That’s when the vet called Janine Guido, found of Speranza Animal Rescue.

When she came to get the dog, she was immediately confronted with his sorrowful expression.

“The first thing I noticed with him was his eyes. He looked exhausted — like he was ready to give up the fight,” Janine told The Dodo.

The vets told Janine that Watson had an inoperable tumor. There was nothing left they could do for him. The doctors told her that Watson needed to be kept comfortable in the last stages of this battle.

So, Janine brought Watson back to the shelter to care for the ailing pup.

Compassion and Love

Janine said, “I had a gut feeling that things weren’t going to be good the next day. I didn’t want to leave him alone. Not when he needed me the most.”

So, she created a makeshift bed of blankets and dog beds for Watson, and she laid down with him in the laundry room at the rescue. Janine talked gently to the dog. He quickly fell asleep.

“He slept like a rock all night, cuddled up to me so tight. I cried myself to sleep, and woke up in tears as well,” Janine said.

The next morning Watson’s condition did not improve. Watson began pacing in circles. He wouldn’t eat or drink. Soon after, the dog succumbed to his illness.

“I’m just so thankful I was able to hold him tight for his last night. I was telling him how much he was loved — and that his life mattered. My heart is breaking, but I would not change a thing,” Janine said.

We are thankful for people like Janine in the world who are able to offer comfort during the darkest of times. Janine shows just how far a little kindness can go.

H/T Curious Mind Magazine
Featured image c/o Speranza Animal Rescue Facebook

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