Top Laziest Dog Breeds for Relaxed Owners


Bulldogs are the epitome of a lazy dog breed. With their stocky build and laid-back personality, they are perfectly content with short walks and long naps. Bulldogs do not require much exercise, making them ideal for apartment living or for owners who are not inclined towards vigorous physical activities.

Basset Hound

Basset Hounds are known for their distinctive look and leisurely disposition. Originally bred for hunting due to their keen sense of smell, they are surprisingly low-energy and enjoy lounging around the house. Their short legs and long bodies aren’t built for strenuous exercise, making them happy with brief, leisurely walks.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu, originally bred for royalty in China, is a small dog with a relaxed and affectionate temperament. They are content with indoor living and do not require extensive physical activity. Their small size makes them perfect for apartment living and for owners who prefer a more sedentary lifestyle.


Pekingese are another breed that was favored by Chinese royalty, and this history is reflected in their preference for a leisurely lifestyle. They are low-energy dogs that require minimal exercise. Their small size and calm demeanor make them ideal for apartment living and relaxed households.

Chow Chow

Chow Chows are known for their distinctive lion-like mane and aloof personality. They are less active than many other breeds and prefer a more relaxed lifestyle.