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“Together forever.” Beloved Frenchie Unexpectedly Passes Away 15 Minutes After Dog Dad Loses Battle with Cancer

By: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| August 28, 2019

Stuart Hutchison of Alloa, Scotland died peacefully at home on August 11th. He was just 25 years old and had battled an aggressive form of brain cancer since he was a teen. Stuart had a two-year-old French Bulldog, Nero, that he was inseparable with. There was also four-year-old Nala and then Amelia, but though Stuart had three dogs, Nero was always the one by his side.


The Battle Continued

The family was told in March that Stuart was responding well to chemo despite having prior relapses. Stuart and his new wife, Danielle, took a trip to Spain in March. While they were on vacation, Stuart developed pain in his hand. Doctors initially assured him that everything was fine. However, the pain worsened and steadily spread up his arm. Doctors eventually did a scan and realized cancer had consumed his brain and had now spread to his bones.

Stuart and his 22-year-old Danielle were just married in January of this year.


A Twist Of Fate

Stuart fearlessly decided he wanted to die at home so he moved in with his mom four weeks before his passing. His mom, Fiona Conaghan, had become his full-time caregiver. 

Stuart’s mom told Mirror Online, “We got Stuart home four weeks ago because he wanted to die at home because that’s where he was born… We expected it but it is still tough.”

Stuart’s wife had been staying with Stuart at his mom’s house so that she could spend time with him. They knew his time was running out and the young couple wanted to soak up as much time together as possible. Danielle woke up one morning and realized her glasses had broken. Not wanting to leave Stuart’s side, Danielle’s father agreed to go by her house and get another pair for her.


Tragedy Strikes Twice

When Danielle’s father arrived at the house, he discovered something wasn’t quite right with little Nero. He rushed Nero to the local emergency vet on his way back to Danielle. It was determined that Nero had somehow ruptured his spine, despite being perfectly well just hours before.

A Fighter, A Giver, An Advocate

Take one look at Stuart’s Facebook page and you’ll notice he lived life to the fullest. He proudly shared photos of his gorgeous fur babies and he seems like he had as many beautiful experiences as he could. For his last birthday, Stuart asked his friends and family to donate to Children With Cancer UK. He successfully surpassed his modest goal of raising $60 and was able to raise $275 for a cause close to his heart.


Stuart took his last breath around 1:15 pm on August 11th. Little Nero followed his dad and joined Stuart on the other side just fifteen minutes later, a faithful best friend until the end. His mother shared the sad news on Facebook, letting friends know that the two had left this world together: 

“Sadly at almost the same moment Stuart passed his loyal and faithful 4 legged friend Nero also died, … together forever…

Rest in Peace my handsome boy, one man and his dog x”

h/t: Mirror Online
Featured Photo: Stuart Hutchinson/Facebook

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