A filmmaker named Elizabeth Lo has offered the world an endearing peek into the life of a stray pup. By following a stray dog named Zeytin throughout the streets of Istanbul, this film has captured the hearts of viewers around the globe.
The film “Stray” recently won the Best Documentary Feature at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival for its unique and heartwarming premise. Critics have fallen in love with the main pups of this film, and have walked away with a new understanding of canine independence.
“I followed and filmed Zeytin, a street dog navigating scorn and mercy within the unique city of Istanbul, so that I could share with audiences a vision of independent canine life that’s hard for many to imagine.” – Elizabeth Lo
When thinking of a stray dog wandering the streets alone, we often envision a sad life. “Stray” helps to not only push aside the assumptions of canine sadness but introduce us to how fulfilling this life can be for an independent street pup.
“Stray” focuses on a strong female dog named Zeytin that has made the streets of Istanbul her home. This dog’s eye view of her life captures the endearing interactions she has throughout her days but proves just how happy she is in her street life.
In the film we see Zeytin greeting her street dog friends, taking naps in her favorite restaurants, and interacting with local Syrians that share the street with her. Zeytin even joined a woman’s march at one point in the film, proving that she is deeply intertwined with city life in Istanbul.
Perhaps the most heartfelt moment in the film is when Zeytin cuddles up alongside homeless locals at an empty construction site. In this moment viewers can understand that the companionship of a dog is priceless and that our furry friends cast no judgment. This is one of the many scenes that have contributed to this film’s success and pulled at the heartstrings of viewers everywhere.
“‘Stray’ is a true gift to dog lovers and cinema lovers. Elizabeth Lo has delivered an incredible documentary about the lives of stray dogs in Istanbul.” – President of Magnolia
We are so excited to see a movie dedicated to further understanding our favorite furry friends. Are you going to check out “Stray” on your next movie night? And if you have already seen it, let us know how it was!
H/T: goldderby.com
Image Source: Straydocfilm/Insta