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This Deserving Veteran Was Paired With His “Best Buddy,” Thanks To Your Support!

| May 26, 2018

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good Charities, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible. 

W.A. is a Vietnam veteran who served in the Army. He cannot drive any longer due to his poor vision and struggles with balance and dropping items, as well as PTSD.

He lives on a ranch and enjoys the simple life. His family reached out to Patriot PAWS after W.A. was no longer able to drive. His anxiety heightened. He needed help around the house when his family was away, and because of it, was experiencing more PTSD episodes.

Image Source: Greater Good


Butterfly is a rescue who needed to find her veteran! The moment the pair met, the joy was felt by all. W.A. is enjoying life on the ranch these days, and he credits Butterfly for that. W.A. stated,

“Butterfly has become my best buddy. I knew from the moment I saw her eyes that we’d be a good team!”

W.A. wears special prescription dark glasses, even indoors when necessary, to protect his eyes. You’ll see Butterfly’s eyes, too, look like she’s wearing her shades. A perfect match!

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Your purchase of any of the following products provides funding towards our Pets & Vets program, which helps match veterans with companion and service dogs. These dogs help veterans better cope with PTSD as they adjust to civilian life. Learn more about our Pets & Vets program.

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