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The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Shar Peis

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| April 14, 2024

Shar Peis, recognized for their deep wrinkles and blue-black tongue, are a distinctive breed that originated in China, initially bred for hunting and guarding. Known for their “hippopotamus” face and sandpaper-like coat, Shar Peis carry a calm yet independent demeanor that complements their unique appearance. Despite their stoic and somewhat aloof exterior, Shar Peis develop strong, affectionate bonds with their families. They are known for various unique behaviors, some of which trace back to their ancient roles in Chinese society, while others are byproducts of their unique physical characteristics. These unusual habits provide Shar Peis with a special charm that can endear them to their owners but also pose unique challenges in their care. This article explores seven of the most unusual habits of Shar Peis, offering insights into the reasons behind each behavior and providing tips on how to effectively manage and appreciate these quirks.

1. Reserved Demeanor

Shar Peis often exhibit a reserved and cautious demeanor, particularly around strangers. This trait is reflective of their historical use as guard dogs, where a discerning, wary nature was highly valued. Such reserved behavior can sometimes be misinterpreted as standoffish or unfriendly. Early and consistent socialization is crucial to help mitigate excessive shyness or suspicion and to ensure that the Shar Pei grows into a well-adjusted, confident adult. Introducing them to a variety of people and environments in a controlled, positive manner can help broaden their social comfort zones.

2. Skin Care Rituals

The profound wrinkles of a Shar Pei require special attention and care, which can develop into quite the grooming ritual. Their skin folds can trap dirt, moisture, and bacteria, leading to infections if not cleaned regularly. Owners need to establish a routine that involves regular cleaning of these folds with gentle, appropriate products to maintain skin health. This habit of meticulous skin care is essential for the well-being of a Shar Pei and is something that potential owners should consider before adopting one.

3. “Sunbathing” Enthusiast

Shar Peis often enjoy lounging in the sun, a behavior that might seem contrary to their comfort given their thick coat. However, they seem to relish the warmth of the sun, which might help alleviate any discomfort from their tight skin or soothe their muscles. While sunbathing, it’s important for owners to monitor their Shar Pei to ensure they do not overheat or suffer from sunburn, especially during the hotter parts of the day. Providing a shady retreat where they can relax will help manage their exposure to the sun.

4. Snoring

Due to their unique facial structure, Shar Peis are prone to snoring, often loudly. This can be amusing but also a sign of potential breathing difficulties, common with brachycephalic breeds. Owners should be attentive to the snoring habits of their Shar Pei, ensuring that it does not indicate a more serious health issue. Regular veterinary checks can help monitor and address any respiratory concerns that may arise from their distinct anatomy.

5. Strong Prey Drive

Despite their moderate size and somewhat cumbersome appearance, Shar Peis have a strong prey drive. This is a vestige of their hunting origins and can manifest as chasing small animals or vigorous play with toys. This prey drive requires management through training, particularly in recall and leash behavior, to ensure safety during walks or in public areas.

6. Aloofness with Other Dogs

Shar Peis can be indifferent or sometimes aloof towards other dogs. This is not necessarily aggression but rather an extension of their independent nature. Socializing a Shar Pei with other dogs from a young age can help mitigate this aloofness, encouraging more sociable behaviors and reducing potential hostility or anxiety around other canines.

7. Water Resistance

Interestingly, Shar Peis often display a notable aversion to water, whether it’s baths or swimming pools. Their coat, which historically protected them from the elements and rough terrain, does not absorb water easily, making bathing a challenge. Gradual acclimatization to water and positive reinforcement during bath time can help overcome their reluctance and make hygiene routines less stressful for both the dog and owner.

Shar Peis are as complex as they are unique, with unusual habits that are deeply woven into their character and historical background. Understanding and embracing these behaviors can help owners provide the best care for their Shar Peis, ensuring these majestic dogs live happy, healthy lives. With proper care, attention, and training, Shar Peis can be wonderful companions, offering loyalty and affection in their distinctive way.

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