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The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Pekingeses

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| April 17, 2024

The Pekingese, a breed steeped in ancient Chinese history, was once revered as a sacred dog, believed to ward off evil spirits. These dogs were so highly valued that they were exclusively owned by Chinese royalty. With their distinct lion-like appearance and bold demeanor, Pekingese are a breed full of character and charm. Besides their striking physical traits, the Pekingese exhibit a variety of unusual habits that reflect their noble heritage and unique personality. These behaviors can sometimes be perplexing or amusing to their owners but understanding them can deepen the appreciation for this distinctive breed. This article explores seven peculiar habits of the Pekingese, offering insights into their origins and implications for living with such a regal companion.

1. “Imperial” Attitude

Pekingese are known for their dignified and somewhat aloof demeanor, often described as having an “imperial” attitude. This breed tends to carry itself with a noble bearing, likely a remnant of its days in the imperial palaces where it was treated as royalty. Pekingese may display selective listening, choosing to respond only when it suits them, and they often expect to be treated with respect. Their owners might find this trait endearing or challenging, but it is essential to approach training with patience and understanding that their lofty attitudes are part of their heritage.

2. Sunbathing

Pekingese have a peculiar love for basking in the sunlight. They often seek out warm sunny spots in the house to lie down and soak up the warmth for hours. This habit is not only a comfort preference but also helps them regulate their body temperature. Given their thick double coat, sunbathing helps the Pekingese to maintain their body warmth without excessive physical exertion, making it a favorite pastime especially in cooler climates.

3. Snoring and Noisy Breathing

Due to their brachycephalic (flat-faced) nature, Pekingese are prone to snoring and making various noises while breathing, even when awake. This can range from loud snoring to grunting and snuffling sounds, which can be quite pronounced due to their compact nasal passages and large eyes that push into the cranial structure. While these sounds are normal for the breed, it’s important for owners to monitor their breathing and ensure that these habits do not indicate any respiratory issues.

4. “Scooting”

Pekingese occasionally exhibit the habit of “scooting,” where they drag their hindquarters across the floor. While this can sometimes be linked to anal gland issues, in Pekingese, it might also be a method of scratching an itch they cannot reach or even a quirky way of playing. However, if scooting is frequent, it’s advisable to check with a vet to rule out any health problems.

5. Being Guard Dogs

Despite their small size, Pekingese have a strong territorial instinct and can be quite protective of their home and family. They often take the role of a guard dog seriously, barking to alert their owners of strangers or unusual activity around their home. This behavior reflects their historical role as palace guards, warning off intruders with their surprisingly loud and deep bark.

6. Picky Eating

Pekingese can be very particular about their food. This pickiness with eating habits is partly due to their royal lineage, where they were likely fed choice morsels and developed a taste for finer foods. Owners might find that their Pekingese turns its nose up at regular dog food, showing a preference for varied and sometimes more gourmet options.

7. Clinginess and Companionship

Pekingese are known for forming very close bonds with their owners, often becoming quite clingy. They prefer to be in close proximity to their humans at all times and can become anxious if left alone for too long. This habit stems from centuries of living closely alongside their human counterparts in palaces, where they were constant companions to the nobility.

Pekingese are not just dogs with unique physical attributes; they are a breed rich in history and personality. Their unusual habits are a window into their past as imperial companions and serve as reminders of their distinctive nature. Understanding and embracing these traits can make living with a Pekingese a truly enriching experience, offering a glimpse into the life of royalty through the eyes of this venerable breed.

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