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The Healthy Hound Newsletter #27

Written by: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| Published on April 25, 2020

Sponsored by Ollie

In This Issue

● Canine Skin Cancer
● Fast, Fresh Dog Food Delivery
● Therapy Dog Visits ICU Staff
● Help Your Rescue Pup Adjust
● My Dog Broke A Tooth
● Honoring Shelter Volunteers

Recent Food Recalls

3/23/20 – IcelandicPlus Fish Treats
2/07/20 – UK Happy Hounds Frozen Raw Dog Food
1/16/20 – Black Hawk Dry Dog Food
9/26/19 – Performance Dog Raw Pet Food


Is Your Dog At Risk For Skin Cancer?

Dogs are prone to a variety of lumps and bumps, especially as they advance into their senior years. More than half of these growths turn out to be benign (non-cancerous), but the malignant ones can be quite aggressive and even terminal.

Sun exposure definitely plays a role in many canine skin cancer cases, but research shows that breed is an even bigger factor.

Learn which breeds are prone to skin cancer, how to recognize the symptoms, and the protective measures you can take to help safeguard your pup.


Use a rubber shampooing brush during baths to remove loose hair and stimulate healthy oil production.


Let Your Dog’s Food Come To You With Fast, Fresh Delivery

Experts agree, the best way to stay safe from COVID-19 is to stay home.

Ollie delivers fresh, healthy dog food directly to your door in as little as two days with no delays. With customized portions arriving on a flexible schedule, your dog will never run out of food – so you won’t have to run to the pet store!

Ollie starts with clean, all-natural ingredients and creates perfectly balanced meals based on each dog’s individual needs. Every vegetable, cut of meat, and fiber source is human-grade, meaning it’s safe and tasty enough for you to eat, but selected just for your dog.

Allergies, sensitive stomachs, and special diets are never a problem. The experts at Ollie use the information you provide in your pup’s profile to design the ideal meal plan.

Unlike heavily-processed commercial foods, Ollie’s chefs gently cook their meals to ensure the ingredients retain vital nutrients. The result is a happier, healthier dog ready to help you tackle each day with confidence!

Readers of The Healthy Hound newsletter can now enjoy 60% off a two week trial box of Ollie’s healthy, personalized dog food. Shipping is always free and Ollie’s products are guaranteed to arrive fast and fresh.


How long does it typically take a rescue dog to fully adjust to their new home?

  1. 3 days
  2. 3 weeks
  3. 3 months

Not sure? Read on to find the answer!


Therapy Dog Delivers Care Packages To ICU Staff

Paging Dogtor Loki!

For an exhausted first responder, nothing tops a “Hero Healing Kit” packed with lotions, lip balms, medicated powder, and teas – except having it delivered by a therapy dog in scrubs!

Loki is a 2-year-old Rottweiler owned by University of Maryland medical student Caroline Benzel. When Loki needed knee surgery, Benzel’s pals at the medical center helped raise the money, and have held a special place in her heart ever since.

In order to give back to the doctors, nurses, and other essential staff, Benzel put together the custom care packages. As an added bonus, each Hero Healing Kit also includes a picture of Loki!

The pair’s mission is now spreading across the country. Find out the details and learn more about this special “Dogtor”‘s visit to the clinic.


Delight your picky eater with a meaty, nutrient-rich food topper no dog can resist!


The 3-3-3 Rule: How To Set Your New Rescue Dog Up For Success

The first days, weeks, and months in a new home can be extremely stressful for a rescue dog. While being adopted is a wonderful gift, many rescue pups are used to shelter life and may have trouble adjusting.

The 3-3-3 Rule or Rule of Threes was designed by rescuers to help adopters understand what their new pet is going through.

Nothing worth doing is ever easy, and rescuing a dog is no exception. However, with patience and love, your new pooch will become a cherished member of your family!

Here is what you can expect from your new rescue dog after 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months.


Your Dog Chipped A Tooth. Should You Worry?

by Dr. TB Thompson

Unlike the many specialties medical and dental professionals can choose, veterinarians must be every doctor and dentist rolled into one for their patients.

Dr. TB Thompson has 20 years experience caring for all kinds of injuries and illnesses as a small animal veterinarian. She recently addressed the complicated topic of dental fractures in dogs.

While some chipped or broken teeth are merely cosmetic issues, others are quite painful and pose an infection risk.

Dr, Thompson explains when you should visit the vet (yes, dogs can get crowns and caps, too!) and when it is ok to just keep an eye on it.


Honoring Critical Shelter Volunteers During The COVID-19 Crisis

Today is the final day of National Volunteer Week when the folks who devote their time and talents to helping their community are honored. At iHeartDogs, we believe animal rescue volunteers are heroes, especially considering the current health crisis.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, their volunteers are still hard at work “gathering signatures for state ballot measures, lobbying state and federal lawmakers, helping to operate temporary shelters after a rescue, leading a tour at a direct care center, or providing support at special events.”

On a smaller scale, the volunteers at your local shelter are helping to place dogs and cats into foster homes and caring for the ones left behind. While so much of the world has gone into isolation, they show up every day to make sure these abandoned creatures are never forgotten again.



Do you have a question or topic you’d like The Healthy Hound to address in an upcoming newsletter? Click here to let us know!

Quiz Answer:

3. Three months. All dogs are different, but experienced rescuers have found that most shelter pups need a full three months to feel entirely comfortable in their new home.

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