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7 Telltale Signs You’re An Akita Parent

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| August 5, 2024

Living with an Akita is a grand adventure filled with loyalty, strength, and a touch of humor. These majestic dogs, originally from Japan, are known for their dignified demeanor, unwavering loyalty, and powerful presence. Akitas are not just pets; they are family members who take their role as protectors and companions very seriously. They have a unique blend of independence and affection, making them both challenging and deeply rewarding to live with. If you have an Akita, you know that life with them is never dull. From their imposing size to their quirky habits, here are seven telltale signs that you are indeed a proud Akita parent.


1. Your Home is Fort Knox

Akitas are natural guardians with a strong protective instinct. If your home security includes reinforced fences, secure gates, and possibly even surveillance cameras to keep an eye on your dog’s outdoor activities, you’re an Akita parent. These dogs are always on alert, watching over their territory with a keen eye. You’ve probably had to dog-proof your home to ensure they don’t outsmart you and find a way to roam the neighborhood on their protective patrols. Your Akita’s dedication to their role as protector is both reassuring and sometimes a little bit challenging.

2. You Have a Vacuum Cleaner on Standby

Akitas have thick double coats that shed year-round, with significant increases during shedding season. If your vacuum cleaner is your best friend and lint rollers are a staple in your life, you’re undoubtedly an Akita parent. These dogs leave a trail of fur everywhere they go, turning your home into a fluffy wonderland. Despite the constant shedding, you wouldn’t trade your Akita’s luxurious coat for anything. You’ve become a grooming pro, armed with brushes and shedding tools to manage the fluff. Embracing the fur is part of the package when you have such a magnificent companion.

3. You’re Used to the Akita Stare

Akitas have an intense, soulful gaze that can be both mesmerizing and a bit intimidating. If you’ve ever found yourself locked in a staring contest with your dog, only to blink first, you’re definitely an Akita parent. These dogs communicate a lot through their eyes, whether it’s expressing affection, curiosity, or asserting their dominance. Their piercing stare can make you feel like they’re reading your mind, and sometimes it seems like they know exactly what you’re thinking. You’ve learned to appreciate and even enjoy the silent conversations you have through those deep, expressive eyes.

4. Your Social Calendar is Dog-Centric

Akitas are not the most dog-friendly breed and can be quite selective about their canine companions. If your social calendar revolves around dog-friendly activities that cater to your Akita’s preferences, you’re undoubtedly an Akita parent. You’ve mastered the art of scheduling playdates with dogs your Akita gets along with and avoiding crowded dog parks where conflicts might arise. Your outings are planned with your Akita’s comfort in mind, ensuring they get the exercise and socialization they need without unnecessary stress. Their unique social needs make you more mindful and considerate in your planning.

5. You’ve Perfected the Art of Persuasion

Akitas are known for their independent and sometimes stubborn nature. If you’ve developed a knack for persuading your dog to do things they’d rather not do, you’re an Akita parent. These dogs respond best to positive reinforcement and patience, so you’ve become an expert in using treats, praise, and creative tactics to get them to follow commands. Training an Akita requires consistency and a gentle touch, and you’ve learned to celebrate the small victories. The sense of accomplishment when your Akita listens to you is immensely rewarding, knowing you’ve earned their respect.

6. You Live with a Gentle Giant

Despite their imposing size and strength, Akitas are incredibly gentle with their families. If your massive dog loves to snuggle and seeks out affection, you’re undoubtedly an Akita parent. These dogs have a soft side that they reserve for their loved ones, often acting like big teddy bears. You’ve gotten used to sharing your couch, bed, and personal space with a dog that weighs as much as a small person. Their gentle nature is a beautiful contrast to their protective instincts, making them the perfect blend of strength and sweetness.

7. Your Heart is Full of Loyalty and Love

Above all, Akitas are known for their unwavering loyalty and deep affection for their families. If your heart swells with love and pride every time you look at your dog, you’re an Akita parent. These dogs form strong bonds with their humans and are always there to offer support, protection, and companionship. Their loyalty is unmatched, and the love they show you is truly special. Being an Akita parent means experiencing a profound connection with a dog that is not only a pet but a true family member and best friend.


Being an Akita parent is a unique and fulfilling experience, filled with moments of laughter, love, and a bit of challenge. These powerful and loyal dogs bring a special kind of joy and security to any household, ensuring that every day is an adventure. Whether it’s their protective nature, their soulful eyes, or their gentle affection, Akitas have a way of making you fall deeply in love with them. Embracing the quirks and joys of this breed ensures a life filled with loyalty, laughter, and the comforting presence of a true best friend.

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