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Dog Tries To Save Himself From Canal But Keeps Slipping Back In

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 20, 2024

While a man took a quiet stroll along a canal, he suddenly heard unusual noises coming from the water. Glancing down, he spotted a dog trapped in the river, unable to climb the steep bank to safety. Despite the pup’s efforts, the slope was too slippery, causing the poor pup to keep sliding back into the water. Moved by the dog’s desperate situation, the man knew he had to help. After scanning the area, he found a thick tarp that seemed perfect for the rescue. He tied one end of the rope to a nearby railing and carefully made his way down the bank toward the stranded pup.


When he reached the dog, the man gently grabbed his nape and slowly hauled both himself and the dog back up the slope. Although exhausted, the man realized the frightened pup needed comfort. He offered the dog some food, hoping to show that he was a friend. Thankfully, the gesture worked, and the pup, now feeling safe, followed the man to his car.


The man named the dog Teddy, and although Teddy was initially unsure about his new surroundings, he soon began to adjust. The first night in his new home was difficult. Teddy trembled in his sleep, overwhelmed by the unfamiliar environment. But his rescuer stayed close by, comforting him and helping him feel secure.

The next morning, the man prepared a special breakfast for Teddy, hoping to lift his spirits. The meal did the trick, and Teddy, now more confident, eagerly explored his new home. He quickly bonded with his new furry sibling, a cat named Tun, and the two became inseparable, spending hours playing together and enjoying each other’s company.


Teddy also loved going on walks with his owner. At the park, he would race across the grass, proudly showing off his speed. As time passed, Teddy gained weight and energy, transforming from a scared, scruffy puppy into a joyful, handsome dog.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

The man was overjoyed to see Teddy’s incredible transformation, and their bond grew so strong that it felt natural to keep Teddy as a permanent part of the family. Since then, Teddy, his owner, and Tun have lived a life full of love, joy, and companionship, with no plans to change their happy life together.

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