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Tar Enveloped Puppy’s Body, Pinning Her Down

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 12, 2024

Homeless animals face unthinkable challenges and hardships. Not only do they have to worry about finding food and shelter, but they also have to be on the lookout for potential dangers. One puppy, struggling to survive, found herself stuck in a precarious situation while on a quest for food. The weather was unusually hot–115 degrees– and tar that was being used for repairs had melted in her path. The poor soul became stuck in the road with no way of saving herself. She was clever enough to call out and cry loudly enough to be heard by a passerby, who alerted rescuers.


Upon arriving on the scene, the puppy’s rescuers were astonished. The pup was immobilized by the tar and she was gasping for air. She was overheated, dehydrated, and understandably scared. One rescuer got to work right away, while the others scoped out the scene. They found her siblings as well who were also covered in tar but thankfully weren’t stuck in the road.


The lead rescuer freed the puppy and placed her, along with her siblings, in the back of his vehicle. Now safe and sound, the litter headed to the rescue clinic. Volunteers used oil and soap to remove the tar from the puppy while feeding her from a syringe. The process was tedious, and it took WEEKS for the tar to be removed completely from all of the puppies.


After a month, all the puppies were tar-free. They joyfully ran around and played, celebrating their new lives. Two of the siblings found a loving home together. And there’s no doubt that the three others will find a family soon.

Dog-Fighting Operation Involved 107 Dogs
Dog-Fighting Operation Involved 107 Dogs

Man in Georgia had collected 107 dogs that he was using to breed, sell, and force into the terrifying world of dog-fighting. Sign the petition to demand that authorities find everyone who was complicit and hold them accountable!

This incredible rescue is nothing short of miraculous. Thank you to the kind, compassionate individuals who made it their mission to save these deserving dogs. To see their full story, click on the video below.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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