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Service Dog Chooses A Wounded Veteran To Devote His Life To

While stationed in Guam on board the USS Frank Cable AS-40, Michael, a Navy machinist, was nearly killed when a boiler tank exploded. Two of his shipmates died in the blast. Michael endured fifty surgeries and countless hours of therapy as a result of the injuries he sustained in the explosion. He lives with visible scars as well as those we cannot see, including PTSD and Depression. On April 28, Michael joined three other disabled veterans at a very special … Read more

10 Things People With Service Dogs Want You To Know

Most people have only the vaguest idea of the powerful connection between a service dog and its handler. They don’t realize how distracting and potentially dangerous it can be to interfere with that relationship. As dog lovers, it is difficult to resist the urge to run up and pet every furry cutie we encounter, but when it comes to service dogs, they are more than just pets, they are their handlers’ lifelines. People with service dogs wish every member … Read more

Lost Therapy Dog Reunited With Owner After Las Vegas Tragedy

A city desperate for the smallest spark of hope has a reason to rejoice today. Reed Cowan, a reporter for News 3 Las Vegas, has been diligently following the story of Ryan Needham and his service dog, Roulette. Rou went missing during the mass shootings Sunday night at the Route 91 Country Music Festival. Needham and his fiancé refused to return home to California without their beloved pup, and now they won’t have to, because Rou has been found! Cowan … Read more

Local Hotel Refuses To Accommodate Trainers & Their Service Dogs

Paws 4 Veterans is a nonprofit organization that rescues dogs from shelters, then has inmates train them to become service dogs for veterans. Trainers with the Florida-based organization were stranded in Monteagle, Tennessee Monday night due to some automotive issues. After spending 2 hours on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck, the 3 people with their service dogs wound up at American Eagle Inn, where the clerk refused to allow the group to stay at the hotel … Read more

Veteran Overcomes Nightmares & Panic Attacks Thanks To Her Service Dog

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible.  “Without Pets & Vets, I would not have Gunner. In the short time I’ve had Gunner, I have had no nightmares and can sleep though the night. I have been able to stop taking two medications. Plus, I was able to go outside my comfort zone and go to the Canine Good Citizenship … Read more

Town Gathers To Bid Farewell To Military Dog With Terminal Cancer

Earlier this week we brought you the heroic and heartbreaking tale of Marine Corps veteran, Corporal Jeff DeYoung, and his beloved service dog and partner in war, K9 Cena. The former combat engineer vowed to give his faithful friend a hero’s farewell after Cena was diagnosed with bone cancer earlier this month. On Wednesday, DeYoung fulfilled his promise as hundreds of mourners turned out to honor the bomb-sniffing dog at a museum ship in Muskegon, Michigan. Together DeYoung and Cena … Read more

Veteran Creates A Bucket List For His K9 Partner & Service Dog

Marine Corps veteran, Corporal Jeff DeYoung, broke down when he heard the news: his service dog and former partner in Afghanistan has terminal bone cancer. Together, DeYoung and the bomb detection dog named Cena “walked out in front of infantry units and patrolled the roadways and surrounding areas for IEDs.” Now, after veterinarians gave Cena just weeks to live, DeYoung has vowed to spend those final days honoring his faithful friend. LCpl Jeff DeYoung was reunited with Cena, the bomb-sniffing labrador who … Read more

Dog Alerts Hospital Staff To His Owner’s Seizures

A dog named Thorr demonstrated the remarkable bond that develops between service animals and their humans this weekend when he alerted hospital personnel to his owner’s repeated seizures. Thorr’s main responsibility is to help Erik Lamont Skousen, who suffers from cerebral palsy, with balance and mobility. But doctors and nurses say that the dog rushed from Skousen’s room at Sitka Hospital in Alaska on at least three occasions seeking help for his seizing master. “The dog ran up, nudged me … Read more

Service Dog & Student Cross Graduation Stage Together

For Morgan Rath, high school graduation was a day she thought she might never see. She suffers from severe anxiety and depression which began her Freshman year. Her symptoms led to panic attacks and a brief hospitalization, but a chance encounter with a stray dog helped turn that all around. Morgan rescued Paisley from the streets of Emerson, Georgia. In return, Paisley rescued her right back! Last month the pair crossed the stage together to accept Morgan’s diploma. Morgan was … Read more

6 Tips For Interacting With Service Animals

Service dogs are usually the best-behaved, friendliest, and most well-trained dogs you’ll ever meet. While that may make it extra tempting to run over and start petting them, there are certain things you should know about interacting with service dogs. They are, after all, there to provide a service to their owners, and you don’t want to interfere. With that in mind, here are 6 tips for interacting with service dogs. #1 – Never touch, pet, or give treats to … Read more

Veteran With PTSD Claims Service Dog Contributed To Anxiety

Whether or not their dog has formal training, most pup parents would say that their canine companions ease their anxiety by providing joy and comfort. But for a Marine veteran named Stacey Thompson, her new service dog only contributed to her stress. Thompson suffers from PTSD after being raped by her sergeant while she served. After the ordeal, the wife and mother of three frequently travels to give motivational speeches.   Following one of her events, a representative from Labs for Liberty, a non-profit … Read more

US Airman Reunites With His Canine Partner After 3 Years

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. The images of US Air Force Staff Sgt. Adam Wylie reuniting with his canine partner convey such overwhelming emotion, it’s difficult not to tear up when viewing them. Wylie and Belgian Malinois, Emra developed an unbreakable bond while working together in South Korea from 2012 to 2014. But when Wylie’s deployment ended, Emra – owned by the Air Force – had to stay and continue her service. US News: Ohio Air Force Sgt. … Read more

Guide Dog Denied Access On Boardwalk Train Ride

Jhon Alzate tragically lost his eyesight in a car accident 30 years ago. Over the past 16 years, he has relied on highly trained service dogs to help him navigate his everyday life. Last weekend, Alzate visited the Kemah, Texas Boardwalk with his family, friends, and his current guide dog, King. But their evening of fun was derailed when a park employee refused to allow the service animal to board the train ride. King is a 4-year-old Yellow Labrador and … Read more

6 Things To Know About Prison Dog Training Programs

Did you know that hundreds of dogs are trained every year by prisoners, either to make them more adoptable or to prepare them to become service dogs? Is it safe? How do the dogs benefit? How do the prisoners benefit? Here’s a quick rundown of 6 things you should know about these programs. #1 – They save dogs’ lives. Many of these programs rescue dogs from high-kill shelters. Dogs with behavior problems who would otherwise be unadoptable are trained by … Read more

Important Differences Between Service Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs, And Therapy Dogs

Do you know the difference between a service dog, an emotional support dog, and a therapy dog? Can they all get into the same places? Do they all have the same rights? These 3 types of helpful pets have different roles, rights, and responsibilities in the lives of the people they help. Here are the differences between the designations. Service Dog Service dogs are trained to do certain tasks to help a person with a disability live a more independent … Read more

Veteran Gets Paired With A Rescue Service Dog… Thanks To You!

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible.  Recently awarded Pets for Vets a grant of $5,000. This grant was instrumental in Pets for Vets carrying out its ongoing mission to match U.S. veterans returning from oversees with shelter dogs in need of a forever home. This a big win for everyone involved.   One such pairing was … Read more

Gluten-Detecting Dog Changes The Life Of A Girl With Celiac Disease

When their young daughter, Evelyn, began suffering from muscle aches and mouth sores, her parents knew they needed to find their daughter a diagnosis. Luckily, the 13-year-old’s mom and dad are both pediatricians with the Beacon Medical Group in Indiana, and they worked to get to the bottom of it. As it turned out, Evelyn has Celiac disease, which can be difficult to diagnose since there are over 300 symptoms associated with it. This means that when she comes in contact with gluten, Evelyn’s immune system attacks … Read more

Veteran’s 100th Birthday Wish Is To Fund A Service Dog For A Fellow Veteran

Sgt. Nick Nichols is a WWII Army veteran who’s turning 100 years old on March 20th. On this landmark birthday, instead of gifts, there’s only one thing that he wants: to help a fellow veteran get a service dog.   Although Nichols would love a service dog of his own, at his age, it’d be difficult to care for a canine companion. But he knows how therapeutic these pups can be, and would love nothing more than to gift that to … Read more

Trainer Rescues Deaf Puppy From Death Row & Transforms Him Into A Therapy Dog

Dog trainer, Colleen Wilson had no intention of adopting a puppy, but when her best friend sent her a photo of a young Dalmatian named Charlie from a list of “urgent death row dogs” she felt compelled to help. At the very least she figured she could pull him from the kill shelter, offer a bit of training, and place him with a Dalmatian rescue group.   A few months and one foster fail later, Charlie was on his way … Read more

Victory For Girl With Cerebral Palsy After Her Service Dog Is Banned From School

12-year-old Ehlena Fry and her Goldendoodle, Wonder, were the subject of a landmark Supreme Court hearing this week. The justices ruled that Fry’s parents could sue Michigan school officials for refusing to allow Wonder to accompany Ehlena to class. She has Cerebral Palsy and depends on her service dog for many every day tasks including opening and closing doors and taking off her coat.   Her right to have the pup by her side in public buildings is protected under … Read more

Veteran Is Paired With Rescued Service Dog, And Two Lives Are Saved

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible.  Thanks to a recently awarded grant from iHeartDogs to Greater Good and their partner Pets for Vets, this organization is able to continue their important mission of providing a second chance for both returning veterans and shelter dogs in need of the perfect forever home. When a pet and veteran match … Read more

Innocent Service Dog Avoids The “Death Penalty” Thanks To DNA Evidence

It’s a story perfectly suited for Law & Order: Canine Unit. Jeb, a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois, acts as a service dog to an elderly veteran, Kenneth Job. He was accused of killing a neighbor’s dog and sentenced to death by a St. Clair, Michigan judge. The Job family demanded a DNA test of the evidence and after 9 weeks in a tiny cage, Jeb was exonerated. The ordeal began on August 24, 2016, when Christopher Sawa found his 14-pound … Read more

Special Cheerleading Team Adds An Awesome Service Dog To Their Roster

Team Zeta is not just your average cheerleading team. This group of young, special needs athletes is gearing up to put on quite the show on the national stage. Coming from Ohio, they’re not just planning on an incredible human performance – they’ve got a surprising twist to their routine. Among them will be Cyclone, a Golden Retriever who accompanies athlete Harrison Chmura. Chmura is non-verbal and having his service dog around keeps him focused. “Otherwise, Harrison has a tough time getting … Read more

Watch What This Service Dog Does When His Young Human Has A “Pass Out Spell”

Service dogs can perform so many different tasks to help their owners, and their caring companionship completely changes their lives for the better. Colt, the dog in the video below, lets his young human know before she’s about to pass out so she can find a safe spot to lie down….but his job doesn’t end there. Afterward, Colt applies Deep Pressure Therapy and licks the girl’s face to help her regain consciousness. The pup even checks his human’s heartbeat. Watch the incredible … Read more

Store Hires Veteran Along With His Senior Service Dog

You may remember the story of a man who was finally hired, along with his service dog, at a Lowe’s in Canada. Now, the home improvement chain has a second man-dog duo to brag about! In Abilene, Texas, Clay Luthy and his service dog, Charlotte have officially become Lowe’s employees. Charlotte even has her very own work vest, just like the rest of the staff! Luthy is an Air Force veteran who recently had knee surgery. His canine companion accompanies him wherever … Read more

Disabled Veteran Falls To His Knees When He’s Surprised With His Own Service Dog

Sergeant First Class Luciano Yulfo gave 36 years of his life to the United States Army. In 2014 his left leg was shattered by a mortar round while he was serving in Afghanistan. The heroic veteran spent the past 18 months on a waiting list for a service dog. Thanks to his daughter, the New York Knicks, and the nonprofit organization, Paws of War, his wait has finally come to an end. A program called Hoops for Troops honors local veterans during … Read more

Viral Photo Shows How Powerful The Kindness Of A Dog Can Be

Dog lovers are no strangers to the powerful healing that can only come from a 4-legged friend. And for a person who is living with a disability, a service dog is truly life-changing. In a touching photo that has gone viral, a mother is overwhelmed with emotion as her child begins to form what will surely be a deep bond with his new service dog. Five-year-old Kai is living with autism and has struggled to make social connections his whole life; that … Read more

This Service-Dog-In-Training Got His Caricature Done In Disneyland!

When a picture gets posted online with the perfect amount of humor/adorableness/sweetness, there’s just no stopping it from going viral! When Twitter user @cutiechaser_ was sent a picture from her parents of a pup getting his caricature done in Disneyland, she had to share it with the world. As it turns out, everyone else loved it just as much as she did! MY PARENTS ARE AT DISNEYLAND AND JUST SENT ME THIS — cutie chaser (@cutiechaser_) October 14, 2016 … Read more

Woman With Unmarked Service Dog Turned Away From McDonald’s & Wants An Apology

The Scenario: In Bradenton, Florida, a woman named Elisha Griggs  walked into a McDonald’s with her unmarked service dog, and a suspicious employee told her the pup wasn’t allowed in the restaurant. “They told me, ‘No pets.’ I said, ‘She’s not a pet. She’s a service dog.’ They asked me if I had paperwork for her. I said, ‘Yes,’” Griggs explained to WFLA News.   You see, the pup is a small black Pomeranian named Onyx, which Griggs will frequently hold … Read more

Service Dog In Training Steals The Hearts Of Instagram Users Everywhere

Like many young women, Jaquie Blake spends quite a bit of time on Instagram. What sets Jaquie apart is that she has more than 70,000 faithful followers devoted to watching her service dog, Harlow learn and grow. Over the past 15 months, Harlow has been honing her skills and training to become Jaquie’s right hand. She has already mastered opening and closing the fridge, putting away laundry and beverage delivery. Here she is adorably helping her mom with her socks: … Read more

Boy With Diabetes Saves For 4 Years To Earn His Service Dog

Aiden Heath wanted a service dog so badly, he spent half of his young life collecting pennies in order to save up for a special canine companion of his very own. The 8-year-old Vermont boy has type 1 diabetes, and when he and mom Jenni Heath learned that service dogs can provide early detection for blood sugar drops, they knew it’d be a great option for Aiden. “They can sense it 20 minutes to 30 minutes before the blood meter actually tells you … Read more