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Man’s Free Puppy Turns Out To Be Much More Than Just A Dog

A sign reading Free Puppy caught the eye of a young man in Tuscon, Arizona this summer. When he met the gangly, big eared pup he fell in love right away. The full-time college student named his new friend Neo. Although the pair bonded quickly, there was just something about Neo that seemed a bit…wild.   He was abnormally nervous and skittish, soiling himself every time he rode in the car. Despite his affection for his new dad, Neo avoided … Read more

Couple Orders A 14ft Custom Bed To Accommodate Their 8 Dogs

Sleeping with dogs can be…interesting. Usually they wake comfy and refreshed, while you feel exhausted and sore. Chris and Mariesa Hughes understand this all too well – they currently share their bed with eight dogs! The brood of rescue pups consists of three Pit Bull mixes, two Greyhounds, a Wire-Haired Terrier, a Bull Terrier, and a Chihuahua. Compounding the problem further is the fact that Chris Hughes is a 6-foot tall power-lifter. Needless to say, the family needed more sleeping space … Read more