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How To Teach Your German Shepherd Dog To Stay

While German Shepherd Dogs are known for being intelligent and very willing, this does not mean that training them is a breeze. For any dog, “stay” is a difficult behavior to do. Would you want to sit still without moving your limbs for long periods of time? Neither does your Shepherd. They can have a particularly hard time with it if they want to chase things that move – staying in a “sit” while a bike or a cat goes … Read more

How To Teach Your Great Dane To Stay

If you live with a Great Dane, chances are you wish he knew the “stay” cue. His large size means he can easily get in the way when you are trying to bring in the groceries. They also are known for being a bit forward when greeting people – something a sit-stay can help with. “Stay” is one of the hardest behaviors for any dog to learn. After all, you are asking your dog to basically not move for a long … Read more

How To Teach Your Pit Bull To Stay

Pit Bulls can be fairly energetic, making a sit-stay hard to train. Have you tried sitting in the same place without moving your limbs for a long period of time? It’s no fun and your Pittie agrees. It can be especially hard to train a young Pit Bull, who wants nothing more than to be near you or on you all the time. Luckily, there is an easy method to train “stay” that produces a solid behavior. Duration & Distance … Read more

How To Teach Your Lab To Stay

Regardless of whether you plan on doing a performance sport with your Labrador Retriever or if he is just the family pet, a sit-stay is a behavior almost every dog owner wants from their dog at some point. Unfortunately, it’s not an easy cue to teach because it takes a lot of self-control and is frankly boring. You try sitting without moving your limbs for any length of time – difficult, right? Your Lab thinks so too. Luckily, there is … Read more

How To Teach Your Chihuahua To Stay

“Stay” is one of the most useful behaviors we can teach our Chihuahuas. It can even save them from getting hit by a car or running away when you open the front door. But teaching “stay” is not easy. It shouldn’t be surprising when you think about what we are asking of our dogs – to sit for a long period of time without moving any of limbs. In order to make them successful, we need to break it up … Read more

How To Teach Your Boxer To Stay

Boxers have a hard time learning “stay.” It involves not moving for a long period of time and this is difficult for their bouncy selves. In reality, it’s hard for any dog. Have you tried sitting almost stock still for any length of time? It’s hard for us too. The following method will make teaching “stay” to your Boxer easier. It will also produce a more reliable “stay” that your Boxer does not break, no matter the distractions that come … Read more

How To Teach Your Husky To Stay

“Stay” is one of the hardest behaviors for dogs to learn. It takes a lot of self-control and is, quite frankly, boring. After all, the way we teach “stay” basically inhibits your dog from moving anything but their tail, head and ears. So, be patient. Especially for young Siberian Huskies, this is a hard behavior to learn. Luckily, there is a method that not only makes it easier for your Husky to learn, it also produces a more reliable “stay.” … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Rottweiler From Pulling On The Leash

Rottweilers are a big, strong breed that can easily pull their owner around the block. Nice leash manners are not just a luxury, they are really a necessity for safety reasons. A Rottie can pull you into traffic, trip other people, or even get loose and lost if they are constantly pulling on the leash. If you haven’t had luck with leash training in the past, try these easy training tips to help make sure that your Rottweiler doesn’t pull … Read more

How To Teach Your Dachshund To Sit

Most Dachshund owners would like their dog to sit on cue. It’s a basic behavior that has a lot of uses, including being the first step to teaching a sit-stay. With Doxies, there are a few special considerations to think about when teaching a sit due to their size and proportions. The following is a simple and effective way to teach your Dachshund to respond to “sit” on the first time, every time. Capturing The Behavior You are going to … Read more

How To Teach Your Boxer To Sit

A bouncy Boxer can be hard to teach “four paws on the floor,” let alone “sit.” They seem to just be so excited about life that those paws can’t keep still. However, as an owner, it’s reasonable to want your Boxer to sit when asked for many reasons, including not being tripped, and so they can politely greet your guests. The following is an easy and effective way to teach your Boxer to sit when asked the first time, every … Read more

How To Teach Your Great Dane To Sit

When you own a giant breed like the Great Dane, a cue such as “sit” almost becomes a necessity. It can help you not trip over them as you walk around your house, or prevent them from knocking over your guests as they come through the door. The following is a simple and effective way to teach your Great Dane how to sit so he responds the first time, every time. Capturing The Behavior You are going to use a … Read more

How To Teach Your Chihuahua To Sit

Chihuahuas are smart dogs with strong opinions, which can make training tough. Many Chihuahua owners have a rough time getting their dogs to consistently sit on the first cue. Luckily, there is an easy way to fix this with a method that both you and your Chihuahua will enjoy. The following is a simple and effective way to teach your Chihuahua to respond to “sit” the first time, every time. Capturing The Behavior You are going to use a form … Read more

How To Teach Your Lab To Sit

For most Labrador Retrievers, teaching “sit” isn’t difficult because they have a problem being in the actual position. The hard part with a Lab is getting them to sit still, especially if they are under the age of 5 (and I’ve known some 12-year-olds that still had trouble!). If you have struggled with getting your Lab to sit, don’t worry, you are not alone. Here is an easy and effective way to teach your Lab how to sit on the first cue, … Read more

How To Teach Your Pit Bull To Sit

Pit Bulls are smart and willing to please, making them fairly easy to train. However, their zest for life and high energy can sometimes make simple cues – like “sit” – a bit hard for them to master. They can’t imagine sitting still and missing out on life! Most Pittie owners agree that while their excitement brightens their days, it is nice to be able to tell them to sit and have them respond…the first time. But don’t worry, here is … Read more

How To Teach Your Husky To Sit

There are few breeds as good at expressing their opinions as Siberian Huskies. Owners know they have a strong personality. This personality, while amusing, can also be frustrating when it comes to training. “Sit” is a basic behavior that almost all owners want to teach their dogs. And while it seems simple, a lot can go wrong in the training process that can result in a Husky that only responds some of the time. But don’t worry, here is an … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Pit Bull

Pit Bulls are an intelligent breed that can learn practically anything that’s possible for a dog to learn, and they enjoy training with their owners. But this doesn’t mean you have to have the most well-trained dog in the neighborhood. The important thing is that your Pittie fits in with your lifestyle. For some, that’s just a well-mannered family member. Others may work toward agility or obedience titles. While most training really is optional, the following are 3 behaviors you … Read more

How To Teach Your German Shepherd Dog To Sit

“Sit” is a basic cue that most German Shepherd Dog owners want their dog to know. It’s useful for a variety of things and is the first step to teaching a “sit-stay.” The key to teaching any behavior is getting the dog to respond to the cue on the first request, every time. The following is a simple but effective way to get the “sit” you’ve always wanted from your German Shepherd.     Capturing The Behavior You are going … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Husky

What you teach your Husky is up to you. For example, some people want their dog to know Sit and Down, others do not care as long as they do one of these behaviors when asked. Mostly, it depends on your lifestyle and whether you just want a nice family pet or a serious competitor in a dog sport. However, there are a few behaviors your Siberian Husky should know for safety reasons. The following are the top 3 cues … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Boxer

If you have a bouncy Boxer, chances are you have thought about dog training. Especially during their “teenage phase,” Boxers can be overwhelming for some owners. In reality, what you teach your Boxer is entirely up to you – you may be happy with just a few simple behaviors that make him a nice family dog, or maybe you plan on her becoming the next agility star. Regardless, there are a few behaviors that every Boxer should know for safety … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Great Dane

What you teach your Great Dane is really entirely up to you and your family. If you want a Dane that pretty much just knows his name and is a great family dog – that’s fine. Or maybe you want to do competition obedience, rally or even agility with yours. These factors are what ultimately decide what you teach your Dane. However, along with these, there are a few behaviors that really should be taught to every Great Dane. The … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Lab

Many of us own Labrador Retrievers because they make great family pets. As such, you may feel you don’t need to teach your Lab many things, and that’s fine. Then there are owners who may compete with their Labs in agility, obedience, dock diving, etc., and teach them a lot – that’s great! Regardless of which category you fall into, there are a few behaviors all Labrador Retrievers should know for safety reasons. The following are 3 cues all Labs should … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Chihuahua

When it comes to training your Chihuahua, it’s really up to you to decide what you want to teach him. Most likely, it will depend on whether you just want a nice family pet or a performance Chihuahua. If you are looking for just a nice family pet, you may not care too much if your Chihuahua even knows the basics – and that’s fine. However, there are a few behaviors all dogs should learn for safety reasons. The following are the top … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your Dachshund

Being a small dog, many Dachshund owners don’t feel the need to teach their Doxies a ton of behaviors, which is fine! Really, the cues you teach your Doxie will be dependent on what you want her to be – a nice family dog that knows a few words or a top performance dog. This is entirely up to you and your family. But, there are a few behaviors that can save your Dachshund’s life, and these should definitely be … Read more

Top 3 Cues To Teach Your German Shepherd Dog

Some get German Shepherds because they want an intelligent dog and like the look of the Shepherd. Others get one because they know they are good workers and aspire toward herding, agility or obedience titles. Why you got your Shepherd will determine – for the most part – the behaviors you want her to know. If she is the family dog, you may not care too much about a precision Heel or even if she knows Down. Still, the following … Read more

6 Tips To Train The Most Versatile “Trick” : The Hand Touch

The hand touch is one of my favorite “tricks” to train because it has so many uses when taught properly. (Check out 6 clever uses here!) A hand touch can turn into a fast recall, a way to keep you dog focused on you, and even help teach heel. It can also be used for a variety of tricks, such as the “dolphin” where your dog jumps in the air. The following tips will help you get that rock-solid hand … Read more

How To Teach Your Lab To Stop Jumping On People

It’s no secret Labrador Retrievers love people, food and toys. In fact, Labs can get downright excited and even crazy over all of these things. When that happens, their manners tend to go out the window, unless they have been carefully trained. These are the Labs that jump all over you for anything they want. Not only is this behavior a nuisance, it can cause injury – especially to young children or seniors. So how do you get your Lab … Read more

How To Teach Your Husky To Stop Jumping On People

Huskies are energetic, fun loving dogs that have a zest for life that can’t be equaled. This zest sometimes manifests itself in the inability to keep paws on the floor when interacting with humans. Whether he is just so happy to see you or wants the toy in your hand, this behavior is annoying and can even cause injury. So how do you get your Husky to not jump? It may seem like a big task, but if you know … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Husky From Pulling on Leash

Walking nicely on a leash can be a real challenge for Huskies. After all, they were bred to pull. But a pulling Husky can be the cause of a lot problems. They may injure your back or neck, get loose and lost, or even injure other people if they pull you into them. All you want is a nice, calm walk, but what you get is frustrating pull down the street. Never fear: while it does takes some patience, your … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Lab From Pulling on Leash

It is rare that you encounter a Labrador Retriever that doesn’t try and pull himself over to you to say hi. They are a breed that simply loves other people and dogs. This is great, but it can be a real nuisance for the owner who is constantly being dragged all over the street. A walk should be pleasant. Your Lab’s pulling could cause injury to you, he could get loose, or he could even injure someone else – these are … Read more

How To Teach Your Boxer To Stop Jumping On People

Boxers are known for using their paws, especially when greeting someone or when they want something, like the toy in your hand. And when they do, they tend to use those front paws like hands, which can easily cause injury as they grab you with those sharp claws. While it’s nice that your Boxer is friendly, he needs to learn to ask for things, such attention, appropriately–and that means no jumping. Luckily, there are some easy ways to get your … Read more

How To Teach Your Great Dane To Stop Jumping On People

Great Danes are notorious for being exuberant greeters! They love people and can’t wait to get lots of love. But if your giant Dane thinks it’s okay to run up and jump on people, they could cause serious injury. Teaching a Dane to not jump on others is the respectful thing to do and will make your dog more welcome in public. It may seem like a big task, but if you know some canine psychology, it’s actually pretty easy. … Read more