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Police Dog Can’t Stop Kissing Officer During Official Photo Shoot

During a regular photo session for their police department, Officer Levi Mack and his K9 partner, Kenobi, turned a normal photo shoot into a special moment of friendship and love. This sweet scene shows that even the toughest officers and their dogs share a deep and warm bond. Take a look! A Photo Shoot to Remember The duo’s story came into the spotlight during their official department photo session. What was meant to be a formal documentation of their partnership … Read more

13 Dog Breeds That Are Complete Goofballs

Who doesn’t love a goofy dog? The dog lovers at sure adore a silly pup and we know all dogs are individuals, each full of their own unique personality. But, there are some breeds with a tendency to be sillier than others. Some breeds are just the class clowns of the dog world, always ready to play and making people laugh with their goofy antics. If you’re looking for a pup that’s always up to something crazy, check out … Read more

Dog Demands To Go Into His Favorite Pet Store When They Walk By…Only, It’s Closed!

Samo is an adorable pooch that knows what he wants. In this video, he shows us that he just won’t take “no” for an answer. He even surprised his owner on a recent walk. It was late, around 11:00pm, and she was taking Samo around town for an evening stroll. When they passed his favorite pet store, however, he demanded they go inside. Samo sat right at the entrance refusing to budge an inch. His owner begged and pleaded with … Read more

Dad Makes Hilarious Contract For Family Dog

Many of us are familiar with begging for our first dog since a lot of parents are reluctant to give in. As a child, we often don’t understand the time and effort that goes into caring for another living being. Luckily for these kids, their dad has a funny way of making sure they fully comprehend what they’re getting into. Instead of saying no, he just came up with a hilarious doggie contract!     Some of our favorites include: … Read more

Watch This Dog Get The Best Birthday Surprise Ever!

Maymo is feeling depressed today. He has the birthday blues – it happens to people and apparently, to dogs too! So what can Dad do to cheer him up? Well, Dad has a flash of inspiration, so he starts moving furniture around to make a pit. He gets a box, opens it, and out comes hundreds of different colored balls! Maymo’s in Seventh Heaven with all those balls and he can do anything he wants with them: bite ’em; chew ’em up (with supervision, … Read more

Dog Can’t Contain His Excitement When He Realizes He’s At His Favorite Pet Store

Just like humans get excited on an outing to our favorite store or restaurant, dogs also become very enthusiastic about a trip to the pet store! In the video below, Captain the Pug has just arrived at his favorite place on earth: PetSmart. As his owner reminds him where they are, Captain absolutely LOSES it in the most adorable way possible. Captain was there for Doggy Day Camp, and there’s no doubt he was looking forward to it. When his … Read more