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How Much Omega-3 Should I Give My Dog? Fish Oil For Dogs

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in your dog’s overall health, supporting everything from skin and coat health to joint mobility and heart function. Since dogs cannot produce omega-3s on their own, they must obtain these essential nutrients through their diet. While some commercial dog foods contain small amounts, many pet parents turn to fish oil supplements to ensure their pup gets the right balance of EPA and DHA—two powerful omega-3s known for their anti-inflammatory and health-boosting properties. Finding … Read more

How To Feed Your Dog’s Brain

Just like humans, dogs can suffer a decline in mental health as they age. Sometimes, they can even decline into cognitive dysfunction syndrome, a condition which is similar to Alzheimer’s disease. Luckily, there are many ways to help keep your dog’s mind sharp, even as he ages. The sooner you implement some of the things on this list, the more likely it is you can reduce your dog’s cognitive decline as he ages. Now that dogs are living longer lives, … Read more

4 Reasons You Should Be Giving Your Dog A Krill Supplement

The benefits of fish oil for dogs are well known.  It’s known to be great for skin and joint health. Did you know that krill has even more benefits for your dog than fish oil? Let’s take a look at 4 reasons you should be giving your dog a krill supplement. You might be surprised at all the benefits your dog has been missing out on! #1 – It improves your dog’s overall health Krill has a variety of different … Read more

Why Are So Many People Giving Krill Oil To Their Dogs?

Have you heard the buzz about krill oil? You’re probably familiar with many of the benefits of fish oil. What if I told you that krill oil has those same benefits and then some? Here are 10 benefits of krill oil that can improve the quality of your dog’s life. #1 – Has less mercury than salmon oil Krill is a small crustacean similar to shrimp that‘s the primary food source for the largest animals on earth – whales. Since krill … Read more

6 Solutions For Your Dog’s Dry Coat & Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and the very first sign of health you see when you look at a dog. Pups with shiny, lustrous coats just give off an air of wellness compared to those with dull, flaky, brittle hair and skin. Not only is dry skin unsightly, it’s also itchy and uncomfortable for your dog. Although soothing baths can help, healthy skin really starts from within with proper vitamins and nutrition. If you find yourself … Read more

10 Ways Dogs Benefit From Fish Oil In Their Diets

We’re always searching for the next “wonder product” that can guarantee our dogs’ health and vitality. Unfortunately no such thing exists, but the natural compounds found in fish oil come pretty darn close! Fish oil contains two essential Omega-3 fatty acids – EPA and DHA. The canine body is only able to synthesize them in limited quantities so many pup parents turn to supplements to give their dogs a boost. Here are 10 amazing ways that a simple, tasty fish … Read more