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8 Common Dangers To Watch Out For When Walking Your Dog

Whether it’s long treks through the neighborhood or short strolls in the park, walking the dog is a part of every pup parent’s routine. It’s good for your health and happiness, and it’s probably your dog’s favorite part of the day. You should enjoy the opportunity to bond with your favorite furry family member, but as your dog’s protector, it’s your job to be on the lookout for potential threats. Unexpected hazards lurk near suburban sidewalks, rural country roads, and … Read more

Walks Are A Costumed Event For Woman And Her Dog

A dog named Hendrix has a very particular struggle during the COVID-19 outbreak. Unlike most of us, he’s been getting pretty dressed up every day, but it’s not exactly his idea. It’s his mom, UK dancer Clare Meardon’s. Yes, Hendrix and his mom are practicing social distance and are not attending any parties. But everyone still needs to walk their dogs, and Meardon and Hendrix have been doing it in style. Every day, these two go on their daily walks dressed … Read more

Drone Walks Dog For Quarantined Man During Coronavirus Outbreak

As the impact of COVID-19 continues to grow, many people across the globe must stay at home to avoid other people. Walking your dog is, of course, considered an important exception. We can’t exactly let our pups do their business inside, and most don’t know how to use toilets. Still, even taking regular walks through the neighborhood induces anxiety. Sometimes, other pedestrians pass by too closely for comfort. A dog parent in Cyprus came up with a clever way around … Read more

5 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Dog’s Retractable Leash

Being a responsible pet owner involves choosing the right diet, providing regular veterinary care, and tending to your dog’s every physical and emotional need. Something as simple as choosing a leash should be the least of your worries…right? The truth is, retractable dog leashes are dangerous. Not only do they offer little control during walks, they are often directly linked to serious injuries in people and pets. Retractable dog leashes typically have a thin cord that extends 10 to 25 … Read more

Need A Cuddle Buddy? You Can “Rent-A-Dog” At This Shelter!

There are many reasons a dog lover may not be able to have a pooch of their own, but now they can satisfy their canine cravings with a visit to the Camden County Animal Shelter in Blackwood, New Jersey. The shelter introduced their new “Rent-a-Dog” program last week and it is already a rousing success! Since its debut on the CCAS Facebook page, the program has attracted so many potential pup “renters,” the staff has requested more time to reply … Read more

Dog Walker Watch Programs Are Helping Keep An Eye On Crime

There are more than 75 million people who own dogs in the United States, according to the Humane Society of the United States and the ASPCA. Most of those people walk their dogs on a regular basis. Therefore, they probably know their neighborhoods better than most and are more apt to notice when something – or someone – is out of place and potentially causing a problem. That’s the idea behind Dog Walker Watch programs that are springing up around … Read more

Proposed Plan Will Require Dog Walkers To Be Officially Licensed

If you want to be a professional dog walker, starting your business is relativity easy. You’ll need a general understanding of dog behavior and the confidence to keep track of a pack of potentially unruly clientele, but one thing you won’t need is a special license. Realtors, contractors, cosmetologists—all these career fields require special licenses, but dog walking isn’t one of them. The path to becoming a dog walker is comparably clear, but that status is set to change for … Read more

Doctor “Prescribes” Dog To Obese Man & It Saves His Life

In 2010, Sales Manager Eric O’Grey’s health was in serious danger. He was just 51, but years of carrying nearly 200 extra pounds of weight had taken its toll. O’Grey had Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, unregulated blood pressure, and was taking 15 different medications each day. He sought the advice of a naturopathic doctor and was shocked by her unconventional prescription. She told him to get a dog. “She knew my underlying problem wasn’t medical, it was being reclusive,” … Read more

Taking Your Dog On Walks May Have More Health Benefits Than You Realized

Daily walks with your pooch can provide many wonderful health benefits. According to a research paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, these benefits extend beyond physical and social advantages. In fact, the study found that dog owners are motivated to walk their pups because it simply makes them happy! Researchers analyzed “interviews and personal written reflections” from 26 people describing why they walk their dogs. As expected, many owners listed their pups’ wellbeing, but the researchers … Read more

Funny Dog Has A Very Interesting Way Of Going Through Doorways

When you have four good legs, your mobility options are virtually endless. You can walk on all fours, pick your two favorite paws and balance on them, trot, bunny-hop, even prance to your destination. The Pit Bull Mix in this video has taken things to a whole new level. She has decided to channel Michael Jackson and moonwalk around the house! As cute and silly as this video is, the dog is likely behaving strangely because she is fearful of … Read more

6 Important Fall Dog Walking Safety Tips

The days are already getting shorter (can you believe it?!) but that doesn’t mean the dog doesn’t still need to be walked! Walking your dog in the fall presents all sorts of hazards for both of you. Whether you walk in the morning or evening, it’s now dark. There can be fog, rain, wind, and even hail, which limits sight distances for you as well as traffic. The roads are often slippery with water or even ice and snow. To … Read more