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Puppy Left by Roadside Finds Hope with New Rescuers

Sometimes we wish we could save every lonely or scared animal we see. In real life, we can only try our best. One day, a small effort made a big difference for a puppy left alone next to a busy street. His life began in a sad way, but soon, a woman named Cathleen gave him a chance for a new start. Rescue and First Steps Cathleen was driving by when she saw the puppy. She stopped her car right … Read more

Dog Locked in a Dirty Place Can’t Stop Smiling After Being Loved Again

Many dogs are sadly mistreated and not loved as they should be. Brownie was one of those dogs, living in a dirty and cramped space. After his owner died, the relatives who were supposed to take care of him, ignored him and didn’t give him food or water. He spent his days hoping for a better life. Rescued and Hopeful A group of rescuers heard about Brownie and came to help him. They found him in a dirty place and … Read more

Poor Puppy Chained in Parking Lot, Needs Help

The story of Keks, a small puppy chained up in a parking lot, begins with a heart-wrenching video shared on social media. People who saw the video were moved by the sight of the tiny, sad-eyed puppy alone and chained. They quickly got the location and went to help him. Keks’s Sad Life When the rescuers arrived, they found Keks looking very sad and confused. He was so small and only had a chain around his neck, not even a … Read more

Owner Finds Worrisome Lumps on Dog’s Back, Fears Cancer

In De Doorns, a small town known for its harsh environments, a devoted dog owner discovered something alarming about his beloved dog, Sweetie. During a routine check-up with Sidewalk Specials, a local animal rescue organization, Sweetie’s dad pointed out a worrisome lump on her neck that had burst open, along with other lumps forming along her spine. The fear that these could be signs of cancer cast a shadow over their visit. Facing the Unknown The team at Sidewalk Specials, … Read more

Pitbull Can Only Turn Right Because of Rare Condition

Arbor, a dog with special needs, didn’t have an easy start. Arbor is a result of hoard breeding situation. He was born in a place with too many dogs and not enough care, he also had a medical condition called congenital hydrocephalus.  This meant his brain had a lot of fluid in it, and it affected his sight and movements. Arbor could only make right-hand turns because of this condition. A closer look at Arbor’s life. Meeting His New Mom … Read more

Hungry Puppy Left in Bathroom, Found Alone and Helpless

In Fort Wayne, a small puppy with a big heart is teaching everyone about courage and kindness. This is his story of starting from a tough spot and finding hope. A Sad Start The puppy’s journey began sadly when he was found alone in a portable toilet by a city worker. He was very skinny, with his bones showing, and his paws were stained from not being able to walk around much. He was scared and needed a lot of … Read more

This Shelter Dog Has Been Waiting for 353 Days Longing To Be Adopted

Each morning, dogs in shelters like Annie wake up hoping that today will be the day they find a loving home. They sit in their small spaces, watching people go by, wishing someone would notice them and take them home. This is her story. Annie’s Dilemma Puppies usually find homes quickly, but older dogs like Annie often get overlooked. Annie is a seven-year-old dog who has been at the Mendocino Coast Humane Society in Fort Bragg, California, for over a … Read more

Poor Blind Dog Abandoned Near Roadside Is Not Expecting What Love Feels Like

Many dogs dream of nothing more than being loved endlessly by their owners. They show their happiness by wagging their tails and looking joyful whenever they see us. Unfortunately, some dogs are not kept safe and loved as they should be. Instead, they are abandoned and starving. This is the story of a blind puppy named Teasel, who was heartbreakingly left alone next to a busy road by her owners. Sad Reality Teasel was found curled up and scared on … Read more

Abandoned Dog Still Waits for Owner at Old Home, Waiting For Them Come Back

After being abandoned, a dog searches for the family she lost. She keeps looking for them, walking around nearby houses. “She wasn’t interested in anybody else, just kept going around in circles around all the houses nearby,” showing how much she missed her home. This is truly heartbreaking. Neighbors Step In The rescue team, with help from neighbors, successfully cornered the frightened dog. Despite her fear, she was calm and did not react aggressively. “She was really timid; she didn’t … Read more

Two Stray Puppies Find Shelter in a Schoolyard and Hope for a New Home

Stray dogs face tough challenges every day, especially finding a safe place to stay away from bad weather. While some find old buildings or make homes out of boxes, two young puppies found a surprising place to hide—a schoolyard. Rescue Mission Begins In a small town in California, two puppies named Maggie and Mack roamed the streets without a home. They spent each day looking for food and a safe spot to rest. One sunny day, they wandered into a … Read more

Woman Rescues Dog From Being Put Down at Shelter

Noodle’s story starts in a tough spot. He was a stray dog who ended up at a shelter with a serious health problem. Most thought he wouldn’t make it because his disease made him faint and shaky.  The shelter vet recommended euthanasia, believing it was the kindest option given his condition. But just when all seemed lost, Tiffany stepped in. She didn’t see just a sick dog; she saw a friend who needed help.  Tiffany Steps In Tiffany, experienced in … Read more

Stray Dog With Injured Leg Cries For Help

During a routine drive, a group of animal rescuers were drawn to faint cries coming from a patch of grass near the roadside. Curious and concerned, they stopped to investigate and discovered a dog that appeared to be in distress. Despite her sweet face, it was evident she was frightened and urgently needed assistance. Here’s what happened next Plea for Help The rescuers noticed that the dog could not move well because one of her legs seemed to be paralyzed. … Read more

Mother ‘Cries’ For Help, Her Puppy Is In Bad Shape

A mother’s love is the strongest kind of love. Whether it’s a person or an animal, a mother always wants to keep her children safe and happy. Imagine a quiet street where a mother dog is worried because her puppy is hurt. She does what any mother would do—she calls for help. This story is about how her love starts a wonderful rescue. A Cry For Help Her loud cries were heard by a kind person walking by. This person … Read more

Scared Dog Who Never Knew Kindness Now Loves Belly Rubs

Sometimes, a little kindness can work wonders and change lives. This is especially true in the story of Mina, a dog whose life turned around because of the kindness shown by her rescuers. For anyone who helps rescue dogs, seeing them happy and healthy again is the biggest joy. Mina’s transformation, thanks to the caring folks at Howl Of A Dog, is a perfect example of how much of a difference kindness can make. Scared And Sick Mina was found … Read more

This Sweet Pit Bull is Looking for a New Home After Being Left At The Shelter

Every dog deserves a second chance, but not every dog gets one. In the bustling corridors of an animal shelter in Prince George’s County, a dog named Drake faced the harsh realities of his uncertain future. His previous owner had to let him go, possibly because it was too expensive to keep him. Despite his friendly face and strong body, being a pit bull meant Drake was not allowed to be adopted in his own county. This is the beginning … Read more

Abandoned and Alone,Four Puppies Found Crying in a Garbage Dump

Every creature deserves a second chance at happiness. Imagine a corner of the city forgotten by time, where cherished pasts lie discarded. In this quiet, abandoned dump—a stark contrast to the city’s bustling streets—a surprising discovery awaits.  Amidst the debris, four dogs, once beloved pets, now survive covered in dirt and despair. On a day that seemed like any other, their eyes meet those of a stranger, sparking a flicker of hope. This is their rescue story. Wagging Tails When … Read more

This Pup Got Abandoned Struggling To Survive And Is Desperate for Help

Imagine you are walking on a quiet road and see something moving in the distance. As you get closer, you realize it’s a lonely, abandoned puppy, looking up with hopeful eyes. This sad scene was real for Sandy, a puppy left all alone. This is a story of transformation. Heartbreaking Beginnings On a fateful day, a compassionate individual named David was traveling along a lonely road when he spotted Sandy. Moved to tears by her dismal condition, David stopped to … Read more

Abandoned Puppy Litter Found, One Terrified of People Makes Rescue Tough

On a sunny day at the beach, a group of travelers were just enjoying a walk when something unexpected happened. ‘I was just exploring the beach, and then, oh my god, puppies!‘ one rescuer said. This discovery turned their simple walk into an amazing mission to help these puppies. What ensued was a heartfelt rescue. Frail and Starving While walking on the beach, a group of travelers found four very thin and weak puppies in need of help. Known for … Read more

People Find Stray Dog Family Living on a Rooftop In Bad Shape

Many stray or abandoned dogs are found in odd places like ruined buildings or remote woods. However, one stray dog’s situation stood out because she lived on the roof of an apartment building. Alone on the roof, many wondered how she ended up there.Let’s uncover this rescue story. The Unexpected Discovery A few apartment residents saw the dog wandering alone on the rooftop and felt compelled to help. They had no idea how she got there or if anyone was … Read more

Couple Spent $15000 For Their Adopted Stray Dog

Home is not just a place, but a feeling.” This truth resonates deeply in the story of a small street dog in India, who found not just shelter but a sense of belonging with a couple. Jalebi, named for the sweet Indian treat, faced daunting challenges on the harsh streets, yet her life was transformed by the kindness of those once strangers, now her couple. This is their story. Cuts And Bites The couple had come to India for a … Read more

‘She’s A Five-Legged Spectacle’ Pup Has An Unusual Hind Leg Condition Catches Attention of Many

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, a dog named Bella is winning hearts with her rare story. Bella isn’t just any dog—she was born with five legs, something very unusual and special. She’s really one of a kind. Bella Surrendered Bella was given to the Wisconsin Humane Society, where the vets quickly noticed something different about her. They saw her extra leg and did some X-rays to understand more. What they found was astonishing and something they had never seen before in their … Read more

‘They beat him with a shovel’ Senior Dog Left Injured and Traumatized

In a tough neighborhood, a place where life isn’t easy, there’s a story about an old dog named Chucky that really makes you think about how cruel people can be. Chucky, who’s about fourteen years old, has been through a lot. He’s a friendly dog who has spent most of life in a harsh environment. Let me tell you his story. A Rough Start Chucky’s journey started with a rough patch when a car ran over his foot. His owner, … Read more

Her Ears and Chest Were Full Of Ticks! This Pitbull Needs Help ASAP

Moka, a pit bull who lived her whole life in the same backyard, became the center of a heartwarming story of community help and kindness. Moka was suffering badly from ticks because her family, like many in less wealthy places, didn’t know the right way to treat them. Instead, they used motor oil, an old but harmful remedy, on her skin. Moka’s Situation Her life began to change when her owner asked for help from Sidewalk Specials, an organization that … Read more

Dog Gets Bitten While Saving His Owner from a Rattlesnake

In a heart-stopping incident in Colorado Springs, a brave dog named Rizzo has captured the hearts of many after heroically saving his owner, Carissa Welch, from a potentially lethal rattlesnake bite. The encounter occurred during a routine hiking trip when the unexpected danger slithered right into their path. What happened next is nothing short of miraculous. Rizzo Took The Bite This happened in a usual Monday morning walk when Carissa recalls the chilling moment when she heard the ominous rattle … Read more

Abandoned and Alone, This Dog Was Dumped In A Gravel Factory

It’s hard to comprehend how anyone could abandon their loyal companion. Left alone in a sprawling gravel factory, a frightened dog found herself at the mercy of strangers. This is the story of Pumpkin, a gentle soul whose journey from abandonment to love reminds us of the profound impact compassion can have. A Cry for Help Roy Llamas, a concerned citizen, was the first to notice the dog’s plight. Seeing the animal in such distress, he reached out to Hope for … Read more

Puppy Hasn’t Eaten Anything For Days, Desperate For Help

It takes a village to raise a child—or should I say, rescue a dog? A puppy named Skyler was fighting for her dear life. She was extremely weak and desperate for help. Little did she know, help was on its way—ready to change her fate.  This is Skyler’s story. She Hasn’t Eaten Skyler’s trouble started when she became very sick and couldn’t eat for nearly four days. Her owner was very worried because Skyler was vomiting and couldn’t walk straight. … Read more

Her 7 Puppies Were Stolen, Mother Dog Cries For Help

A mother’s love knows no limits, and when her children are taken away, her heart calls out until they are found. Earlier this week in Wolcott,a heart-wrenching story of Mya, a devoted mother dog, was found abandoned at the local animal control, her cries of confusion and distress echoing a mother’s despair for her missing babies—seven puppies who had vanished without a trace.  But as the week progressed, Mya’s sorrow took a hopeful turn. Three of Mya’s puppies were miraculously … Read more

Kansas Foster Dog Delivers A Mother’s Day Surprise

A Wichita family was treated to a delightful Mother’s Day surprise when their foster dog, Chloe gave birth to six puppies. The dog was rescued from a local kill shelter at the end of March when the facility closed due to COVID-19. Chloe was facing euthanasia before Beauties and Beasts, Inc. stepped in to save her. “She was one of those dogs put on the euthanasia list because of resources and she didn’t have a place to go and at … Read more

Puppy Left For Dead After Hit-And-Run Accident Adopted By Officer Who Rescued Him

A young German Shepherd mix struck by a vehicle in Indiana this summer could have lost his leg. Instead, thanks to the police officers who rescued him, he kept all limbs and even gained a forever home. One late night back in August, a car hit the then 4-month-old puppy, knocking him into a ditch. The car didn’t even stop. He was left there to die. Thankfully, a tow truck driver passing by saw him there and called 911. There … Read more

UPDATE: “Unicorn” Rescue Puppy Born With A Tail On His Face

When you think of unicorn, you usually think of a mythical white horse with a horn, right? Well you’re not wrong, but the word “unicorn” is also used to represent something that’s beautiful and rare. A little rescue puppy named Narwhal is sort of a mix of both of those descriptions. A rescue in Jackson, Missouri picked up a tiny puppy with a slight foot injury off the freezing streets in early November. That’s when they discovered it had a … Read more

Seoul Has Been Declared Dog Slaughter-Free! Here’s What That Means.

When it comes to animal advocacy, fighting the good fight can be exhausting much of the time. No one ever said activism was easy, but when a fight for justice for the voiceless culminates in a victory, every step of the way becomes worth it. Passionate activists working to end the dog meat trade in South Korea are celebrating such a victory now. The country’s capital city has been officially declared dog slaughter-free as Seoul’s last three dog meat shops agreed … Read more