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Top 17 Dog Food Brands With No Recalls

Dog sitting in shopping cart

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. With so many recalls in the pet food industry, finding the best dog foods with no recalls can be a challenge. Many of the most popular brands have faced several recalls, but some top dog food brands are still recall-free. These brands can help dog parents feel at ease because of their advanced safety protocols. Some dog … Read more

Ask A Vet: Can What I Feed My Dog Make Him Calmer?

We struggle with where our focus should be when we select foods and supplements for our dogs. There are diets for almost everything, and recently there are even diets and dietary additives that are designed to produce mental calming and aid in anxiety disorders. Research has shown that there are compounds in food that can help our brains manage anxiety or chemical imbalances. Studies show that certain compounds that are found in foods can act as mood stabilizers or even … Read more

How This Delicious Meal Topper Can Improve Your Dog’s Heart

Did you know that you can improve your dog’s cardiovascular health without changing their food? Many dogs suffer from heart problems, and a big part of that is what they eat. So, we have created a new dog food topper to improve your dog’s heart health without the hassle of completely changing their diet. Happy, Healthy™️ Topper is a superfood blend you can pour right on top of your dog’s kibble. Dry dog food doesn’t always have all the essential … Read more

5 Ways To Help Your Chow Hound Feel Fuller Longer

Some pups just never seem satiated. Every time you walk past the treat jar they are on your heels hoping for a snack. There are several reasons why a dog may feel the need to eat outside of meal times, including their own evolutionary history. Wolves and wild dogs are “opportunistic scavengers,” meaning they eat what they can because their next meal is never guaranteed. In order to determine the best way to feed your chow hound, you must first … Read more

Fresh Cooked Dog Food Is Best. Are You Ready To Make Your Own?

Offering Nom Nom to dog

If you watched the eye-opening documentary Pet Fooled on Netflix, you may be left wondering what now? While the film sheds a not-so-flattering spotlight on the American pet food industry, it leaves viewers with few practical solutions for healthy feeding. The featured veterinarians definitely favor a raw, biologically appropriate feeding protocol, but they also acknowledge that the AVMA has yet to deem raw diets safe. If you are not yet ready to plunge into raw feeding but want to break free from … Read more

Picky Eater? Check Out Our Top Ways To Get Your Fussy Dog To Chow Down

Does your dog turn mealtime into a battle of wills? Do they chow down one day, then turn their nose up at the same food the next? Like humans, some dogs simply have different food preferences. They may prefer the flavor of beef to that of turkey or the crunch of kibble to the texture of canned food. With a few simple adjustments and some creative tactics, you can transform your pup from a finicky eater to a chowhound champ. … Read more

Ask A Vet: Should I Be Feeding My Dog “Superfoods”?

There are certain foods that contain compounds that have shown benefit to living systems. The media has coined the phrase “super foods” and there is a lot of talk about them. Restaurant chains are even adding in superfood sections to their menus. These foods are thought to help in the management of certain disease processes like osteoarthritis, cancer and brain aging. Some of these compounds may even have a role in immunity against infectious disease and improving skin and hair coat. Here … Read more

3 Unhealthy Ingredients To Avoid In Dog Treats

When it comes to choosing the right dog treats, you might find yourself feeling lost looking down the aisle at your local pet supply store. Or maybe you’re browsing the web all day, looking for the perfect snack for your pup. Wherever you find yourself, you’re probably being bombarded with information regarding one important factor: ingredients. What goes into your dog’s body has a huge impact on their health and well-being, so looking at ingredients is something you should take … Read more

Dogs Dry Skin in Winter: 6 Soothing Strategies for Dry Skin on Dogs

Do Dogs Get Dry Skin In The Winter? Dry winter skin & allergies are a common problem among dogs. Owners and veterinarians alike are constantly fighting to make dogs more comfortable. Winter weather can be tough on your dog’s skin, just like it is on ours! Cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating can strip away natural oils, leaving your pup’s skin dry, flaky, and itchy. Understanding why this happens is the first step to keeping your furry friend comfortable … Read more

Homemade Dog Food: Get Cooking For Your Good Looking Hound

Dogs enjoy a good meal, and what better way to show your pup love than making him a big bowl of homemade dog food? Especially when it’s prepared by your hands and made in your very own kitchen. But be aware: making homemade dog food isn’t as simple as tossing a T-bone in your pup’s dish and calling it a night. Dogs require specific nutrients to maintain good health. And while store-bought dog food is easy and formulated for complete … Read more

Dog Food Nutrition Labels 101: What You Need to Know

Beagle eating from food bowl

You know about the Food and Drug Administration, right? It’s the federal government agency responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the supervision of food safety (among other things). The FDA rules don’t only apply to humans, the agency regulates dog food, too. That’s good to know. But what does a dog food nutrition label mean? You probably have an understanding of what calories, carbs, sodium, sugar, and an ingredients list indicate for a human diet, but that data doesn’t apply to … Read more

5 Low-Cost Ways To Boost Your Dog’s Existing Food

All of us want to give our dog’s the best nutrition possible. However, we all have budget limitations. While store bought kibble is very convenient and relatively low priced (compared to canned or fresh diets) it does have several nutritional shortfalls. In this guide, we’ll discuss 5 low cost ways to make any dog food better. 1. Add Sources Of Fresh Protein Surprisingly, most kibble contains less than 25% protein. That means that most dry foods contain carbohydrates in the … Read more

7 Mistakes Dog Owners Make When Storing Their Pet Food

How you store your dog’s carefully-chosen pet food may be just as important as what the diet contains. Improper storage techniques can lead to bacterial infection, contamination and infestation. The following 7 mistakes are made by even the most informed and well-meaning pet owners. Breaking these habits will help ensure that your pup gets the freshest, healthiest food every meal time!   1. Dumping kibble into containers. Storage containers are excellent for keeping your dog’s food fresher longer. The mistake … Read more

What’s REALLY In Your Pet’s Food? Find Out How To Look Past The Marketing Ploys

Dog food labels

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. When choosing a bag of food for our pets, many of us turn to the ingredient list on the back to decide if the food is a good enough quality for our furry friends. For many dog parents, verifying that meat is the first ingredient is the only aspect they focus on. However, many pet food companies … Read more

Share Thanksgiving Dinner With Your Dog (Recipes Included!)

It might seem a bit unconventional, but since most of us consider our dogs part of the family, why not make a meal they can enjoy right alongside you this holiday? Celebrity Pet Chef Lisa Hennessy has simple tips and recipes to help you create a wonderful Thanksgiving meal for you and your dog. “We don’t recommend sharing rolls, stuffing or other Thanksgiving menu items that contain grains or gluten with our dogs as their systems can’t really process these ingredients,” advises … Read more

Could Your Dog’s Symptoms Indicate A Nutritional Deficit?

Is your dog lazy? Has he lost his pep, or maybe he never had any? Does he have hotspots, shed excessively, or lick or chew obsessively? What if it’s not really a case of nerves or allergies? What if all these things are a sign of a nutritional deficiency in your dog? Nutritional deficiencies can occur in any dog- any breed, any size. Just like with people, even though they are eating adequate portion sizes of what we think a … Read more

Is Your Pug a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Pugs are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your pug decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Pug Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Poodle a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Poodles are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your poodle decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Poodle Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Pomeranian a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Pomeranians are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your pomeranian decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Pomeranian Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Pekingese a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Pekingeses are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your pekingese decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Pekingese Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Bullmastiff a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Bullmastiffs are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your bullmastiff decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Bullmastiff Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Papillon a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Papillons are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your papillon decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Papillon Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Bulldog a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Bulldogs are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your bulldog decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Bulldog Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Havanese a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Havaneses are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your havanese decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Havanese Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Dogue De Bordeaux a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Dogue De Bordeauxs are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your dogue de bordeaux decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Dogue De Bordeaux Food toppers have become incredibly … Read more

Is Your Doberman a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Dobermans are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your doberman decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Doberman Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Boston Terrier a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Boston Terriers are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your boston terrier decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Boston Terrier Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the … Read more

Is Your Corgi a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Corgis are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your corgi decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Corgi Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Collie a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Collies are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your collie decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Collie Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the pet food/treat industry … Read more

Is Your Cocker Spaniel a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Cocker Spaniels are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your cocker spaniel decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Cocker Spaniel Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the … Read more

Is Your Border Collie a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Border Collies are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your border collie decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Border Collie Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the … Read more