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Dad Sets Up Camera To Show The 4-Gigantic Dogs ‘Go-Crazy’ On The Way To Their Favorite Place

For anyone who has had the pleasure of owning a dog, the simple utterance of the word “park” can trigger an outburst of pure joy and boundless excitement. This is a spectacle characterized by wagging tails, bright, eager eyes, and an unmistakable air of anticipation that fills the room. Imagine, if you will, this scene intensified tenfold, as not just one or two, but four large, exuberant dogs prepare for an outing. The atmosphere inside the vehicle en route to … Read more

3 Unhealthy Ingredients To Avoid In Dog Treats

When it comes to choosing the right dog treats, you might find yourself feeling lost looking down the aisle at your local pet supply store. Or maybe you’re browsing the web all day, looking for the perfect snack for your pup. Wherever you find yourself, you’re probably being bombarded with information regarding one important factor: ingredients. What goes into your dog’s body has a huge impact on their health and well-being, so looking at ingredients is something you should take … Read more

5 Reasons Grooming Is Vital To Your Dog’s Health

While most dog owners get their dogs groomed to keep them looking their best, many overlook just how important proper grooming is. Grooming is an integral part of your dog’s health and well-being and even a short-coated dog can suffer from a lack of grooming. The amount of grooming your pooch will need depends on their coat type, but adequate grooming is important for all dogs. Whether you take your pup to the groomer or tackle the task yourself, keep in … Read more

10 Most Toxic Foods For Pets

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. When it comes to viral videos, they say that kids, cats and dogs rule the internet, and as parents, we’ll do anything to keep them safe. With all the buzz online about byproducts in processed pet foods and toxins contained in treats imported from overseas, it seems that a day rarely goes by that we don’t see headlines about … Read more

Police Find Missing Husky And Confirm His Identity When He Sings His ‘Favorite Song’

It’s no surprise that Siberian Huskies are talkative, and we don’t mean barking. Huskies are recognized for howling, and there are numerous videos on social media of huskies “talking.” Because they were designed to pull sleds and dwell in groups, huskies have always been vocal since they had to communicate while working.   Image/Story Source Credit: The Jerusalem Post via YouTube Video     This same trait is the very reason why the Husky was able to reunite with his … Read more

‘Enraged’ Man Heard Rumor About Puppy Living In Birdcage, Drove Over Fuming

A puppy was found living in a birdcage, according to the organization Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac. It sounded odd and unjustified. Could this be true? They weren’t sure, but they had to find out for sure. The rescuers got into their car and drove out to the address provided by the caller. They pulled up outside of the run-down home, and the rescuers proceeded up the driveway. In the yard stood a huge blue birdcage that shocked them! Image/Story Source … Read more

“Dead” Dog Lifts His Head-Up When The Person He’s Been ‘Waiting’ For Comes To Take Him Home

Judy Obregon, the founder of a dog rescue organization called The Abandoned Ones, received a call about a stray Poodle-mix she had been trying to save. But as soon as she saw the photograph of the dog on the ground, she knew it was too late. He had already vanished. Obregon got a call earlier about local kids tormenting the dog.   “Kids were throwing food out on the street, so the dog would run out onto the street,” Obregon … Read more

Cute Bulldog Pup Wanted A Seat On The Couch, And Had A “Feisty Confrontation” With Dad

Bulldog pups are known for their sassy attitudes when it comes to temper tantrums. In this video, we see tiny Greta, a tiny Bulldog puppy, attempting to persuade her father through a feisty debate!     Image/Story Credit Source: Rumble Viral via YouTube Video     It appears that Greta is furious about something. She prowls around Dad’s feet like a munchkin, clearly disappointed at being denied a seat on the couch. Dad’s taunting remarks are only making matters worse, … Read more

Parents Thought Dog Was ‘Caring’ For Baby But See Baby’s Foot In Dog’s Mouth

Evo, the Alaskan Malamute, enjoys playing “babysitter” to his four-month-old human brother, Adam. He’s always been quite vigilant with regard to his little brother, and he looks forward to spending time watching and amusing him. During naptime, in the video below, we see Evo keeping an eye on Adam. Adam enjoys having his huge nanny dog by his side and tries to snuggle the dog’s cheeks with his tiny feet.     Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – Rumble Viral … Read more

8 Dog Breeds That Are Known For Their Gentle Spirit

Most dogs are friendly, but that doesn’t mean they’re all gentle. A gentle dog is not only a dog that is social and affectionate, but a dog that isn’t a bull in a china shop. We all known our beloved pooches might accidentally give us a bump or bruise when they’re playing around or trying to snuggle (they just get so excited, after all), and these breeds are less likely to do so. They’re gentler dogs, though no more or … Read more

8 Amazingly Cute Toy Dog Breeds Ready To Sit On Your Lap

The Toy breeds are some of the most popular dogs around the world. It’s easy to see why: they’re small, affectionate and were generally bred for the sole purpose of human companionship. They come with all sorts of different looks and personalities to fit your needs and are fun, easy to care for, and loyal companions. #1 – Yorkshire Terrier This tiny terrier was originally bred to hunt rats in clothing mills, but they’ve developed into one of the most … Read more

The 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

Some dogs are known for their looks, others for their personality, but these breeds are renowned for their brains! These are the dogs that learn how to open the fridge to get their favorite snack, and outsmart you when it comes to training. They’ll have no problems picking up new tricks and will be extra-forgiving if you bungle up training a little. Here’s to the smart dogs that keep us on our toes: #10 – Australian Cattle Dog Number 10 … Read more

Bloat Kills Nearly Half The Dogs It Affects; Here’s What You Can Do About It

You may have heard of dogs getting “bloat,” but do you know what it actually is? How about it’s mortality rate? What about warning signs and ways to prevent it? We hate thinking about our dogs getting sick, but in life, some things are inevitable. All we can do is try our best to prevent certain conditions and know warning signs for early detection and treatment. We are our dogs’ advocates, and when it comes to keeping them healthy, knowledge is power! Read … Read more

South Korean Tattoo Artist Creates Awesome Portraits Of Dogs & Cats

Although tattoos are not illegal in South Korea, the law states they must be done by a medical doctor. However, that hasn’t stopped many tattoo shops from opening in the country and the law is rarely enforced. Although originally created as a health concern regarding the spread of HIV and other illnesses, the government is looking towards change. This is great news, because there’s one South Korean tattoo artist who has a skill for turning people’s pets into awesome pieces … Read more

6 Dog Breeds With An Exceptional Sense Of Smell

There are no real studies that determine which dog breeds, if any, have the “best” sense of smell. All dogs have an incredible ability to detect scents that would be impossible for humans to trace. With that said, what we’re focusing on for this list is the dog breeds most commonly used in the detection fields. You’ll find these breeds hunting, performing search and rescue in the wilderness, over water, and in urban areas, finding weapons, drugs, sniffing out bed … Read more

10 Dog Breeds That Are Prone To Cancer

There are as many different dog breeds as there are personal lifestyles, so it’s no wonder that some people are particularly fond of a certain type of dog. Unfortunately, many breeds (including mixed breeds) are prone to certain health issues, including types of cancers. Below are 10 dog breeds that tend to be prone to this disease. While the list is by no means extensive – and it’s possible for any dog to get cancer – the more you know, the more you can … Read more

Special Cheerleading Team Adds An Awesome Service Dog To Their Roster

Team Zeta is not just your average cheerleading team. This group of young, special needs athletes is gearing up to put on quite the show on the national stage. Coming from Ohio, they’re not just planning on an incredible human performance – they’ve got a surprising twist to their routine. Among them will be Cyclone, a Golden Retriever who accompanies athlete Harrison Chmura. Chmura is non-verbal and having his service dog around keeps him focused. “Otherwise, Harrison has a tough time getting … Read more

Irish Wolfhound Gets The New World Record For Longest Tail On A Dog!

Clear the table when Keon comes around, and make sure everything fragile is high out of reach! It’s not that he’s purposefully destructive. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Keon is just a happy Irish Wolfhound with a heck of a tail! When recently measured by a veterinarian, it turned out to be a whopping 30.2 inches long from tail base to tip, not including the hair. This landed him in the awesome Guinness Book of World Records, beating the previous … Read more

5 Ways To Calm Your Hyperactive Dog

Some dogs have more energy than others, even individuals within the same breed. While active dogs are beneficial to those looking for a regular exercise partner, they are often difficult to manage in your typical household. Hyperactive dogs aren’t just limited to the working breeds, however. They come in all shapes, sizes and genetic backgrounds. In fact, where your dog came from or what kind he is really doesn’t matter – what matters is that hyperactive dogs are difficult to live with. … Read more

5 Disaster Preparedness Tips For Dog Owners

When it comes to emergency preparedness, there is a lot to take into consideration. There is even more planning involved, however, when there are pets to care for. Making sure our dogs are able to stay safe during a disaster is important, and there are a few extra steps to take when it comes to ensuring everyone’s safety. If you’re looking for a place to start planning, make sure you check these things off your list. #1 – Have Proper … Read more

3 Ways To Spoil Your Dog This Winter

Winter is upon us and when the weather gets cold, we tend to hunker down with our families and loved ones – both two- and four-legged. Our dogs are just as much a part of our families, and we want them there with us; that’s why we them as have companions! While we can get them material things like toys and treats, there are other ways we can treat our pups this season that’ll leave them fulfilled. 1. Take A Day Trip Day trips … Read more

3 Ways To Build Trust With A Stray Dog

Whether you’ve come across a long-time stray or a neighborhood pooch that’s escaped the yard, earning the trust of a stray dog can be tricky. The goal is to catch the dog without harming them or scaring them off completely, but we have to make sure we keep ourselves safe, as well. A scared dog can become aggressive when they are trying to defend themselves. Remember, they don’t know you’re there to help. Regardless of how you found the dog, … Read more

Here’s How Secondhand Smoke Affects Your Dog

We’re all likely aware of the dangers of smoking cigarettes. There are countless controversial advertisements, warnings, people, and organizations arguing back and forth about just how unhealthy smoking is. But the focus is solely on humans. Yes, humans are the ones doing the smoking, but you’ve likely heard about how second- and third-hand smoke harms children and other non-smokers that are exposed. This also stands true for our pets. While we’re not here to discuss whether you should or shouldn’t smoke … Read more

Dog Demands To Go Into His Favorite Pet Store When They Walk By…Only, It’s Closed!

Samo is an adorable pooch that knows what he wants. In this video, he shows us that he just won’t take “no” for an answer. He even surprised his owner on a recent walk. It was late, around 11:00pm, and she was taking Samo around town for an evening stroll. When they passed his favorite pet store, however, he demanded they go inside. Samo sat right at the entrance refusing to budge an inch. His owner begged and pleaded with … Read more

Teen Who Just Had His Wisdom Teeth Pulled Admits He’d Choose His Dog Over His Mom

There is no shortage of videos of people on their rides home from having their wisdom teeth pulled. While they’re often pretty hilarious to us, they can be quite embarrassing for the subjects! If you’ve had your wisdom teeth pulled, you may have even been subject to a painful video of your own. Who knows what any of us might say right after anesthesia. Well, in this video, one mom finds out exactly what’s on her son’s mind. Unfortunately, she probably … Read more

Nobody Wanted This Shelter Dog Until One Man Offered To Paint Her Portrait

At first glance of these pictures and videos, you’ll probably have a hard time understanding why Tonka had such a difficult time finding a forever family. But the life of a shelter dog is not an easy one, especially when you’re Tonka. Tonka was surrendered to Sacramento SPCA by her owner that had become homeless. The goal, as always, was to find a better home for this sweet girl. But Tonka was confused by the shelter atmosphere and didn’t appear adoptable … Read more

8 Things Your Senior Dog Will Thank You For Doing

  As our dogs age, their bodies change and their needs will start to differ. While they’ll always be our baby puppies, our senior dogs are going to have some special needs. They become more sensitive physically and mentally, their bodies and minds start to change, and they will need some extra help living out their golden years in happiness and health. If you’re wondering how you can make life better for your aging pup, consider these tips. #1 – … Read more

The 3 Best Places To Pet A Dog

Just like people, dogs are individuals that have different likes and dislikes. They have times they want to be touched and times they don’t. But all that said, they’re generally very social animals that enjoy spending time with people. This means that getting a good scratch or massage is something they’re waiting for. Keeping this in mind, it’s important to know how to approach a dog and where to touch him or her, especially on your first meeting. #1 – … Read more

Dog Narrowly Escapes Slaughterhouse Fate & Finds His Forever Family

Not every dog has the start in life we’d like them to. Some aren’t so lucky to find loving, forever homes when they’re ready to leave their mother. In fact, some experience lives we can’t even comprehend. Boonrod is one such dog and he has an incredible story. Boonrod, named after the Thai word for “survivor” or “one that got away,” was lucky enough to see a different fate than his friends. He was caged in terrible conditions in an … Read more