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Shelter’s Longest Resident Of Over 3 Years Finally Finds The Perfect Pawrents

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| June 29, 2018

Dots the dog was transferred to the SPCA of Brevard in Titusville, Florida when he was just 6-months-old. The snaggle-toothed pup became a staff favorite, but for some reason, he was overlooked by adopters time and again.

The days, weeks, months and years ticked by until Dots became the shelter’s longest resident.

His friends at the SPCA went above and beyond to ensure Dots felt special and loved. They made him one of their “office dogs” to give him a much-needed break from life in a kennel, and posted frequent pleas to Facebook on his behalf.

Recently, a woman named Kristy came across one of Dots’ Facebook posts. She forwarded it to her friend, Liz Shidler, who had recently signed on to become a canine foster mom.

Liz was on the fence about permanent adoption, but Dots’ handsome face and sad story tugged at her heart strings. She clicked over to the SPCA Facebook page to learn more, and saw a news video about long-term shelter residents featuring Dots.

As far as Liz was concerned, Dots was the perfect pup! She showed the video to her boyfriend, photographer Chris Bebout, and he agreed the energetic pooch would fit right in to their active lifestyle.

“We didnt even second guess it,” Liz told iHeartDogs. “we contacted the Brevard SPCA to meet him ASAP. Due to our work schedules I had to go alone to meet him. The next thing I knew I was leaving there with the newest member of our family!”

Just like that, Dots’ 850+ days of waiting finally came to an end! He spent his first night in his new home lounging on his cozy bed enjoying the quiet.

Image c/o Liz Shidler


The next day, Liz, Chris and Dots hopped into the car and set off for a day of outdoor fun.

Image c/o Liz Shidler


Check out these photos of Dots enjoying his first full day as a member of a real family!

c/o Liz Shidler & Chris Bebout


c/o Liz Shidler & Chris Bebout


c/o Liz Shidler & Chris Bebout


c/o Liz Shidler & Chris Bebout


c/o Liz Shidler & Chris Bebout


Three years is an incredibly long time for any dog to remain in a shelter, but Dots’ parents have proven to be worth the wait!

This lucky boy was originally one of 14 dogs awaiting adoption at the SPCA for longer than 150 days – now, there are just 5.  Click here to view and share their photos so we can help the rest of Dots’ long-term friends find their perfect forever homes, too!


Featured Image via Liz Shidler

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