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Santa Paws: 12 Kanine Kringles

| December 4, 2015

For dog lovers like us, nothing says (er–barks?) “Merry Christmas” quite like an adorable pup who is channeling the spirit of Kris Kringle himself. Like Santa Claus, dogs bring us bags full of goodies–snuggles, love, play, joy, and the occasional slimy, drool-covered chew toy–all year long. Yappy Ball-idays!

1.’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land…

“Only one ear fits inside, Ma…”

Sandra Cobett via Flickr

2.Were twelve doggy Santas with red hats so grand.

“Look! Carolers!”

Christmas 1996
Deb via Flickr

3. This wise Santa has seen Christmases galore…

(And knows that if he lays near you under the table, you’ll slip him some Christmas ham…)

dog santa beard

 4. And it’s this baby’s first; there will be many more!

Presents? Food? OH BOY!

Santa Puppy

5. This Father Christmas has soulful brown eyes…

“You’ve been good this year, and will be gifted with puppy kisses all year long!”

Santa Greyhound

6. And this one is tired from flying the skies…

“I’ve been all over the world delivering presents. Gimme a break, wouldya?”

unenthused santa boxer

7. This K-9 Kringle has cuteness to give…

“Mewwy Chwistmas, I wuv you!”

anko.gaku_ula via Flickr

8. He knows you’ve been naughty, but he will forgive.

“Just keep letting me sleep on your side of the bed and you’ll make the Nice list.”


9. This Mr. Claus doesn’t like this year’s treats…“Liver?! Last year you gave me peanut butter cookies with my milk!”

Papal Penny
Kristin “Shoe” Shoemaker via Flickr

10. But this one is full from the grand Christmas feast.

“Turkey! ‘Tatoes! Eggnog!… ” *Snore*



10 Dec
starsandspirals via Flickr

11. This one’s red hat should remain out of sight…

“Not. Impressed.”

fiona miley maria de los cruces
torbakhopper via Flickr

12. “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Merry Christmas With Love
Jennifer Chan via Flickr

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