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Retired Military Dog Receives A Hero’s Farewell

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| November 2, 2016

The United States lost a brave hero on October 26, 2016. Nero, a Contract Working Dog (CWD), served 7 years in Afghanistan before retiring to a loving home thanks to the group, Mission K9 Rescue and his adoptive family.

Nero enjoyed 2 wonderful years of bliss with his owner, Judie before suffering an unexplained abdominal hemorrhage last week.

His body was draped in an American flag out of respect for his service.

CWDs are trained as patrol dogs and/or explosive detection dogs. The service they provide to our armed forces is essential to helping them complete their missions.

Nero served bravely for what represents an entire human career in dog years. He held a very special place in the hearts of the volunteers behind Mission K9 Rescue as their first retired warrior to return home from Afghanistan.

His much-deserved homecoming became a near-tragic disaster when his plane experienced a pressure malfunction. Nero returned to the United States on the brink of death. Luckily veterinarians were able to save him and the heroic senior cutie was soon adopted by his devoted owner, Judie.

Nero spent his final 2 years experiencing the love and adoration every dog – especially our military veterans – deserve. Despite a few health set backs, including a battle with cancer, he was able to enjoy the love, comfort and peace of a loving family. They even threw him a birthday party each year.

In a statement posted to the Mission K9 Rescue Facebook page, Judie expressed her devastation at Nero’s loss and her heartfelt appreciation for her war-dog turned beloved friend. She wrote in part:

“…I am lost without him…the silence deafening. I love you big boy. May God bless you and hold you dear for your brave and wonderful heart…”

Unlike Military Working Dogs (MWDs), CWDs are not owned by the military, and therefore, do not have as much protection during or after their service. The costs to bring them home to the States, treat their injuries, rehabilitate them emotionally and find them suitable homes falls entirely on the contractors and service members who care for them.

That’s why groups like Mission K9 Rescue are so vitally important. They ensure that no canine soldier is left behind and that they live out their final days in the comfort and honor that every veteran deserves. Visit their website to make a donation to this incredibly worthy cause or to adopt a retired CWD.

CWD Nero almost never had a good retirement. He almost died after a massive foul up on a transport flight, requiring…

Posted by Mission K9 Rescue on Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome home, CWD Nero, and thank you for your faithful service.

H/T to

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