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Rescue Dog Proudly Presents 11 Puppies To Foster Mom

| January 26, 2017

Stevoni Doyle has been fostering dogs for over a decade, and has seen her fair share of triumphs and tragedies. But when Grayce gave birth to 11 puppies three weeks after coming into her care, the pup did something she’d never seen before!

Grayce Pit Bull was fostered through Rescue Rovers Dog Adoptions in Utah. Formerly neglected, she was saved just weeks before giving birth. From the video below, it’s clear that the new mama feels safe in the loving care of Doyle.


One by one, the sweet new mama presented her pups to Doyle, placing them in her lap. As adorable as the pile of puppies was, the meaning behind the gesture was so much more heartfelt: Grayce had shown her foster mom the ultimate display of trust.

“She brought me all her pups. I’ve had lots of mommas and babies but never had one do this,” Doyle wrote on Facebook.

“She wants the reassurance that she’s doing the right thing,” she said in a story by KUTV. “I’m honored that she chose me to do this with.”


After, it was Grayce’s turn.

“She laid on me and wanted me to love her too,” Doyle told KUTV. “She would crawl on my lap and nurse her puppies if I would let her.”

A story by Reshareworthy explains that the room is empty so it’s safe for the puppies to wander, plus they’re expected to potty there, having little control of their functions. The blue kiddie pool is a contained space for the mama to give birth, or a cozy place she can rest, now that she’s had her litter.

According to the article, Doyle is especially fond of fostering pregnant dogs because of the special bond that forms. But this does not come without heartache; sometimes, some of the puppies don’t make it.

“I love it, It’s not easy, I’m not going to lie there, but it’s so worth it,” Doyle said of fostering to KUTV.

When she’s ready, Grayce will be spayed. Then she and each of her 11 pups (10 boys, 1 girl!) will be up for adoption. Although finding their forever homes is weeks away, inquiries about the family have already started pouring in.

“The outpouring of love I have gotten from people for Grayce is absolutely unbelievable,” Doyle said in the news story.

Follow dog foster mom Stevoni Doyle on Twitter, @Stevonid.

(h/t: KUTVReshareworthy)

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