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Puppy Rescued From Burning House Gives Thanks To The Firefighters Who Saved Her

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| January 15, 2017

Asheville, NC firefighters Mike Stageman, Joshua Adell, Bentley Andres and Zac Bass risked their own safety to rescue an 8-week-old puppy from a raging house fire this past October.

The tiny terrier mix named Hex suffered severe burns and smoke inhalation, but thanks to her 4 guardian angels, escaped with her life. After several months of healing and growing, she was ready to show her gratitude.

Zac Bass, the firefighter who first located Hex in the burning house, described her dramatic rescue to WLOS News,

“She had kind of nuzzled herself underneath a pile of clothes and I could just barely see a little bit of movement from her belly. I put her on oxygen. She was completely lifeless and felt like a rag-doll at that point,”

Hex was initially rushed to the Regional Emergency Animal Care Hospital (REACH) who managed to stabilize the critically injured pup. When it was safe to move her, she was transferred to the Animal Hospital of North Asheville (AHNA) where she has been recovering since October 31.

The tiny puppy’s family also survived the blaze, but were unable to take on Hex’s veterinary expenses after she was hospitalized. The tiny dog braved risky surgeries and painful bandage changes with an incredible spirit of optimism according to REACH veterinarian, Dr. Johansson.

“As soon as she woke up from anesthetic, her tail was wagging,” he told WLOS.

This past week, Hex was finally well enough to reunite with the brave firefighters who saved her life at a party in their honor. Veterinary caregivers at AHNA organized the celebration, complete with cake, balloons, and an animal rescue award from the Asheville Humane Society for the heroes.

Hex wore her frilliest pink party dress for the occasion. Here she is joyfully greeting all of her guests – rescuer or not!

The firefighters were amazed and delighted to see that the puppy they fought so hard to save had not only survived, but thrived thanks to their efforts. They look forward to her visiting them at the station when she is fully recovered.

Despite the loss of her family and her long, painful recovery, Hex remains upbeat. She has even been selected by a new family who will officially adopt her when she is discharged from the hospital.

H/T to

Featured Image via Animal Hospital of North Asheville

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