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Bus Driver ‘Slammed’ The Brakes When Noticing “Something” Peeking-Out Of Cardboard Box

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| April 30, 2024

In an inspiring narrative capturing global attention, a vigilant bus driver stumbled upon a poignant scene at a local bus stop: two abandoned puppies, later affectionately named Leya and Mia, nestled within a discarded box. The driver, moved by the plight of these innocent creatures and recognizing the imminent danger posed by their proximity to a bustling roadway, promptly reached out to Love Furry Friends, a renowned animal rescue organization. This quick-thinking intervention set the stage for a remarkable rescue operation that would save these vulnerable puppies from a potentially tragic fate.


Upon receiving the call, the rescue team from Love Furry Friends wasted no time. They hurried to the scene, concerned about the safety of the puppies given their precarious location next to a busy road. The potential for a tragic outcome loomed large if the rescue had been delayed even slightly.

When the rescuers arrived, they found Leya and Mia in less than ideal conditions—cold, wet, and visibly shaken. The puppies, although scared, greeted their rescuers with tentative wags of their tails, showing their friendly nature despite the ordeal. The team quickly wrapped them in warm blankets and transported them safely to the shelter where they could receive proper care.

At the shelter, the immediate priority was to address their physical state. Leya and Mia were given warm baths to clean the dirt and grime accumulated during their time in the box. It was suspected they might be infested with fleas, so meticulous care was taken to treat and prevent any pests.


After their baths, the puppies were provided with a nutritious meal, which they eagerly devoured. It was evident from their hearty appetites that they hadn’t eaten well for some time. The shelter staff lovingly prepared a comfortable space for them to rest, which Leya and Mia enjoyed after their stressful adventure.

Recognizing that the puppies needed more than just basic care, the shelter arranged for a visit to a professional dog groomer. This visit was transformative; Leya and Mia not only looked different afterward but also seemed to gain a new zest for life. Their fur, once matted and dirty, was now clean, soft, and shiny. They pranced and played, showing off their newfound confidence.

To ensure they remained healthy and happy, the rescue team also went on a shopping spree for Leya and Mia, stocking up on toys, comfortable bedding, and other pet care essentials. Each item was chosen with the intention of making their transition to a future permanent home as smooth as possible.


The story of Leya and Mia’s rescue is not just a tale of survival but a powerful example of what can be achieved with compassion and swift action. The community’s support and the dedication of Love Furry Friends have given these puppies a new beginning and a chance at a joyful, loving future.

As of now, Leya and Mia are thriving at the shelter, winning over the hearts of staff and visitors alike. Their journey from abandoned puppies to beloved shelter residents awaiting a forever home continues to inspire and give hope to those who believe in the power of kindness and community involvement in animal welfare.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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