Shelter Dog Meal Donation Count:

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Wings of Love Rescue Flight – Donate To Help Save At-Risk Shelter Dogs This Valentine’s Day


  • 9 Reviews
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We’re facing a critical situation: an overcrowded shelter is overwhelmed with a recent influx of surrendered pets, leaving numerous dogs’ lives at risk. These dogs need a second chance, and we have a plan to give it to them. There’s a shelter ready to welcome them and find them new homes, but we need to get them there by Valentine’s Day, February 14th. This is where you come in – we can’t fly these dogs to their new lives without your help. With your support, and in partnership with GreaterGood™, we can make sure they’re safely flown to the receiving shelter, where they’re guaranteed to find families who will love them. Can you help us make this Valentine’s Day special by giving these pups the gift of a safe and loving home?


Gloria 03/15/2024

I feel great supporting these flights that help get animals from over crowded shelters to other shelters that are able to place them in good loving homes. I try to support even when I think I can't. It comes back tenfold!! If everyone could give even a little, it adds up to a lot.

Raylene 03/07/2024

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Cynthia 03/06/2024

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Maria 03/06/2024

I purchased the bumper sticker about putting abusers to sleep. I love it. Actually I think abusers should have instilled on them what they've done to the animals. Then I guess we can put them to sleep.???

Sherri 03/06/2024

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