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Older Great Dane Teaches New Puppy a How To Respect Other Animals (ADORABLE!)

Written by: Justin Palmer
Justin Palmer is a Certified Pet Food Nutrition Specialist and co-founder of Inspired by his rescued husky, Splash, he dedicated himself to learning about extending both the length and quality of her life. Splash lived and thrived until 18 years old, and now Justin is on a mission to share what he learned with other dog owners.Read more
| Published on July 21, 2014

Oh my gosh, these 3 are the cutest thing ever! Leo, an 8 week old Great Dane puppy and the newest member of the household, is understandably curious about his new feathered sister, Tiela the cockatiel. But when Leo gets a little too rambunctious, the more elder dog, Rooster steps in. Just watch what he does to teach Leo some respect! 🙂

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