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Devoted Mother Stares At Her Lifeless Puppy Hoping They’ll Save Him Too

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| December 24, 2021

The five puppies were rescued by Takis and his crew after they were abandoned because their owner could no longer afford to keep them. When the group arrived, the two live puppies needed treatment for Parvo, a viral disease that can be treated if gotten in time-thus the urgency.

Image Source YouTube Video: Takis Shelter


It’s very upsetting that two puppies didn’t make it, but we have to focus on the three that did! Their mama did all she could to keep them alive and help them find a new home.

Mom is nowhere to be found, and the puppies are understandably scared. As they inspect the house, the rescuers find three surviving puppies but it’s not until Takis grabs one of the pups that the dog is calmed down and caught.


Image Source YouTube Video: Takis Shelter


His cries are loud and that’s when Mama comes back to the house. She must have been out looking for food. Mom must eat any scraps she can find so she can nurse her pups. She peeks into the window and then runs around to the back of the house.

Finally, Takis has all 3 puppies safe and sound in a box. His mission is to now catch Mama. He knows that they need to be together as a family– and that making sure Mama is safe and in his care is just as important as the babies.

As Takis makes his way through the house, he finds Mama sitting on a couch staring at one of her babies that had passed away. Her expression says it all. She’s trying to understand what had happened to this baby and if the rescuers could help him too.


Image Source YouTube Video: Takis Shelter


It’s incredible how much she actually understands. Mom realizes that Takis is there to help and is expecting him to somehow rouse her baby and help him too. It is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Her love is so deep. And she already trusts the rescuers with all her babies. Even the ones that are beyond saving.

Takis walks towards Mama and puts his hand out. He wants to comfort her and tell her it’ll be okay. Not knowing if she had ever been touched by a human before, and seeing how she receives him, says it all. She does understand why he’s there! This is when Takis names the Mama dog, “Anna.”


Image Source YouTube Video: Takis Shelter


Soon, Anna and her babies are back at Takis shelter. They are safe and they are loved. They had been through so much. It is time for stability, daily meals, and proper shelter. The dogs’ Parvo is addressed and they all make a full recovery. Takis will forever provide whatever they need, whether they are adopted out to loving families or remain with him indefinitely.


Image Source YouTube Video: Takis Shelter


We understand that watching the video below is both upsetting and uplifting. Taking the time to watch is up to you.


Image Source YouTube Video: Takis Shelter


We do promise that it ends as happily as it can and that this story is a reality much of the world is dealing with. Takis shelter does adopt out internationally. Sharing this story and video helps with donations and homes. We applaud Takis and all the volunteers. They are true heroes!


When watching the video, discretion is advised. We promise it ends happily and that the story is incredibly uplifting.


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