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Cubs Kept In Man’s Living Room Dreamt About Snuggling Nose To Nose

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| February 17, 2023

Mona and Max, two lion cubs, were bought from a zoo by a man who then kept them in his living room. He had no regard for his young children that dangerously played with the cubs. The innocent babies couldn’t possibly know their own strength nor were they responsible if anything went awry. It was a terrible situation but thankfully FOUR PAWS International stepped in.

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The cubs were being kept in separate small cages in the man’s home. Once the rescuers arrived and saw the cubs’ situation, their hearts broke. They were being fed dried dog food and were significantly underweight. The poor babies needed help desperately– and thank goodness, help was finally there!

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The baby lions were placed together for the first time in a large crate. They snuggled nose to nose. It was so incredibly heartwarming. They had never had the chance to truly bond. The cubs wrapped themselves tightly around one another and slept peacefully.

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What follows is incredible! During the cubs’ rescue journey, the beautiful creatures brought two feuding nations together to get the lions to their forever home. All we can say is: WOW! Wait until you see the babies all grown up. Thank you, FOUR PAWS, you’re amazing!

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