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Man Lives With World’s ‘Biggest’ Wolf And Plays With Him Like A Puppy, But It’s Not A ‘Puppy At All’

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| April 30, 2024

While the presence of large domestic dogs is a common sight in many homes, encountering a wolf that displays dog-like traits is exceptionally rare and captivating. This remarkable situation is embodied by Akela, a Canadian wolf, and his owner, Andrey. Their extraordinary relationship redefines the traditional interactions between humans and their animal companions, showcasing a bond that delicately blends elements of the wild with the familiarity of domestic life. Their companionship is an unusual yet deeply touching narrative that challenges our perceptions of wildlife, demonstrating a harmonious coexistence that is seldom seen.


Akela is not just any wolf; he embodies the spirit of a gentle giant, possessing a demeanor that is both regal and affectionate. The deep connection he shares with Andrey is beautifully captured in a series of videos uploaded to Andrey’s YouTube channel, where the wolf’s playful and loving behavior is showcased, offering viewers a glimpse into their unique world.

In one particularly endearing video, the scene opens with Akela and Andrey positioned side by side, perfectly at ease in each other’s company. The wolf, with a poised grace, initially poses for the camera, his eyes sparkling with a gentle intelligence. As the moments pass, Akela begins to engage more directly with Andrey, pressing his face affectionately against his human friend and playfully nibbling at the hood of Andrey’s sweater.

As their interaction continues, Akela’s playful nature becomes more apparent. He climbs atop Andrey, resting on him with a comfortable familiarity. Despite his large size and the powerful demeanor typical of his species, Akela’s actions are gentle, encapsulating the trust and understanding that define his relationship with Andrey. For those unfamiliar with such animal behaviors, Akela’s actions might appear daunting or even aggressive. However, to those knowledgeable about canine dynamics, it is clear that these behaviors mirror the playful antics often observed among domesticated dogs.


This playful behavior is indicative of the deep bond Akela has with Andrey, seeing him as a member of his own pack. This pack mentality is crucial in understanding the dynamics of their interactions, where mutual respect and affection are clearly evident. Andrey’s ability to handle Akela’s robust advances with such ease and confidence also speaks volumes about his experience and understanding of his companion’s needs and behaviors.

Moreover, the environment Andrey has created for Akela is thoughtfully designed to cater to the wolf’s natural behaviors and needs. Akela is provided with a spacious enclosure, large enough to allow him freedom of movement and the ability to exhibit natural behaviors without feeling restricted. This not only ensures Akela’s physical well-being but also his psychological health, as he does not suffer from the confines often associated with captive animals.


The condition of Akela’s coat, lush and well-maintained, further attests to the high level of care he receives. It’s clear from every aspect of his life that Akela is not just kept; he is cherished as a beloved member of Andrey’s family, living a life of comfort and security.

Through the lens of Andrey and Akela’s extraordinary relationship, we are offered insight into the possible emotional depth and capacities of wild animals like the Canadian wolf. Their story is a poignant reminder of the potential for interspecies understanding and harmony, challenging the conventional views on wildlife and fostering a greater appreciation for these magnificent creatures.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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