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Husky Puppy Has ‘Heated Debate’ With Owner, And “Punishes” Himself When He Loses

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| May 15, 2023

When DJ Aaron Dissell and his talkative Husky puppy get together, they make quite a vocal duo. The Husky puppy enjoys engaging in lengthy and enriching debates with Aaron, resulting in some hilarious conversations that sound like a dad talking to his dog! In the video, Aaron and his Husky puppy are seen engaging in another argument. The puppy disagrees with one of Aaron’s points and proceeds to mock his opinion, resulting in a heated exchange between the two.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Aaron playfully pretends to be offended by his puppy when it talks back to an adult. He jokingly calls the puppy an ill-mannered “baby.” However, the puppy feels deeply hurt by this statement and takes desperate measures to make Aaron pay for the inconsiderate remark.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


The puppy amusedly puts his paw in his mouth and chews on it, seemingly as a self-punishment. Aaron understands that this is the puppy’s passive-aggressive way of making him feel guilty and can hardly contain his laughter. It appears that the puppy is not comfortable with losing an argument and is quite clever in his ways.


Click the video below to watch this ADORABLE exchange between these two best of friends!

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