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How Is Freeze Dried Dog Food Made?

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| November 1, 2023

Choosing the right food for our canine companions is paramount to their health and well-being. One of the emerging trends in the dog food industry is freeze-dried dog food. But what is freeze-drying, and how does it transform fresh ingredients into shelf-stable, nutrient-packed nuggets for your pet? Let’s explore the process step by step.

1. What is Freeze Drying?

Freeze drying, scientifically known as lyophilization, is a method of preserving food. It involves freezing the material, then reducing the surrounding pressure and adding heat to allow the frozen water in the material to sublimate directly from solid to gas.

2. Selection of Ingredients

The journey of creating freeze-dried dog food begins with the careful selection of high-quality ingredients. Manufacturers source fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, and sometimes grains, ensuring they are suitable for consumption.

3. Preparing the Ingredients

Once sourced, these ingredients undergo cleaning, chopping, and blending to achieve the desired consistency for freeze-drying. For meat, this often means grinding it into a finer texture, while fruits and vegetables may be diced or pureed.

4. Freezing the Mixture

The prepared mix is then spread out in trays and rapidly frozen. This quick freezing process ensures the formation of small ice crystals, which is crucial for maintaining the food’s cellular structure during the drying phase.

5. The Main Event: Sublimation

The trays of frozen food are placed into the freeze dryer. Inside, a vacuum pump removes air and creates a low-pressure environment. The chamber is then warmed slightly. This combination of heat and reduced pressure causes the ice in the food to sublimate, turning directly into water vapor. This vapor is collected on cold condensation plates, ensuring it doesn’t re-enter the atmosphere of the chamber.

6. Secondary Drying

After the bulk of the ice has sublimated, there’s a secondary drying phase. This step ensures that any bound water molecules, which are harder to remove, are also eliminated. The temperature is raised higher than in the primary drying phase, ensuring thorough drying.

7. Testing for Moisture

To ensure the freeze-dried dog food is indeed shelf-stable, manufacturers conduct rigorous testing to check moisture levels. The food needs to have a low enough moisture content to prevent bacterial growth and spoilage.

8. Packaging

Once confirmed to be sufficiently dry, the food is packed. Packaging for freeze-dried products is crucial. It needs to be airtight to prevent moisture from the atmosphere from re-entering the food. Often, manufacturers will also add oxygen absorbers to the packaging to ensure the food remains fresh and free of mold and bacteria.

9. Storing and Distributing

With the food securely packaged, it’s ready for storage and distribution. The beauty of freeze-dried dog food is its long shelf life. Without the moisture, many of the pathogens responsible for decomposition and spoilage can’t survive. This longevity is why freeze-dried foods are popular for space travel and military rations, as well as emergency preparedness kits.

10. Serving Freeze-Dried Dog Food

When it’s time to feed your dog, you can serve freeze-dried food dry or rehydrate it with water. Rehydration offers a texture closer to fresh food and can be more palatable for some dogs. However, the nutrient content remains high whether you serve it dry or rehydrated.


The art of making freeze-dried dog food is a blend of science and dedication to quality. By removing the moisture from fresh ingredients without compromising their nutritional integrity, manufacturers can offer pet owners a convenient, long-lasting, and nutrient-packed food option. It’s a testament to the lengths the pet food industry will go to ensure our dogs get the very best.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Freeze-Dried Raw Dog Food Manufacturing

1. What is freeze-drying in the context of dog food manufacturing?

Freeze-drying, or lyophilization, is a preservation method used in dog food manufacturing where the food is first frozen and then the moisture is removed via sublimation. This process turns the ice directly into water vapor without it going through a liquid phase, preserving the raw ingredients and their nutritional value while making the food shelf-stable.

2. How do freeze-dried foods retain their nutritional value?

Freeze-drying preserves food without the use of high temperatures that can degrade some nutrients. By rapidly freezing and then gently removing moisture under a vacuum, most of the food’s original vitamins, minerals, and enzymes remain intact.

3. Are there any additives or preservatives used in freeze-dried raw dog food?

Quality freeze-dried raw dog foods typically don’t require additives or preservatives because the freeze-drying process itself acts as a preservation method. However, always check the product label, as formulations can vary among manufacturers.

4. Why is freeze-dried dog food more expensive than traditional kibble?

The freeze-drying process is more labor-intensive and requires specialized equipment, making the production costs higher. Additionally, freeze-dried dog foods often start with higher-quality raw ingredients, further adding to the cost.

5. How long does freeze-dried dog food last after it’s produced?

Freeze-dried dog food has a long shelf life due to its low moisture content, which inhibits bacterial growth. When stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, it can last for years, although it’s always good to check the manufacturer’s expiration date.

6. Can all types of ingredients be freeze-dried?

Most ingredients, including meats, fruits, and vegetables, can be freeze-dried. However, the consistency and quality might vary based on the ingredient’s water content and structure. It’s essential for manufacturers to select and prepare ingredients suitable for the freeze-drying process.

7. What’s the environmental impact of freeze-drying dog food?

Freeze drying requires energy, primarily during the freezing and vacuum stages. However, because freeze-dried foods are lightweight and have a long shelf life, they can result in reduced transportation emissions and waste compared to some other dog food types.

8. Are there any risks associated with feeding freeze-dried raw foods to dogs?

As with any raw diet, there’s a potential risk of bacterial contamination. However, the freeze-drying process significantly reduces this risk. Still, it’s essential to handle the food with care, store it properly, and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.

9. How does freeze-drying compare to dehydrating in dog food production?

Both methods remove moisture, but they do so differently. Dehydration uses heat to evaporate moisture, which can degrade some nutrients. Freeze-drying, on the other hand, removes moisture by sublimation in a vacuum, which better preserves the food’s nutritional content.

10. Why do some freeze-dried foods have a different color or texture than their fresh counterparts?

The freeze-drying process can alter the food’s appearance, often lightening its color and giving it a porous texture. This change doesn’t indicate a loss of nutritional value but is a natural result of the moisture removal process.

Ready to try Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

iHeartDogs Nature Is Good Freeze Dried Dog Food offers a premium, nutrient-rich option for dog owners seeking high-quality nutrition for their pets. The natural ingredients are sourced from trusted suppliers, ensuring both quality and safety. The freeze-drying process preserves the nutritional integrity of the ingredients, retaining essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are beneficial for a dog’s health.

Nature Is Good Dog Food is always free from artificial additives or fillers. This ensures that dogs receive a balanced diet that supports their overall well-being and vitality. Plus, iHeartDogs donates a portion of each purchase to support shelter dogs in need, making it a choice that not only benefits individual pets but also contributes to a larger cause of animal welfare.

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