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Dog Wants To Be Friends With Boy And Won’t Take ‘No’ For An Answer

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 27, 2024

In a heartwarming video shared by James Joseph Stenson, the world witnessed a remarkable interaction between a young boy with Down Syndrome and a gentle Labrador named Himalaya. The video, which quickly gained attention online, beautifully captures the unique bond that forms between Hernan, the little boy, and his four-legged friend. Hernan, as described by his mother Ana, is a child who generally avoids physical contact. Attempts to engage him often result in him pulling away, seeking comfort in his own space.


However, something about Himalaya’s gentle persistence seemed to resonate with Hernan, allowing the dog to connect with him in a way that others had not.

When the video begins, viewers can see Hernan initially moving away as Himalaya tries to get closer. But this pup’s patience and unwavering determination slowly start to break down Hernan’s barriers. Instead of retreating, Himalaya stays close, carefully respecting Hernan’s need for space while keeping her gaze fixed on him, as if silently reassuring him, “You’re safe with me.”


At one poignant moment, Himalaya gently places her paw on Hernan’s hand, then softly nudges his leg with her nose. This small but significant gesture is met with a response from Hernan—he reaches out to touch her paw. It’s a moment of mutual trust and understanding. Himalaya, sensing the boy’s curiosity, rolls onto her back, a classic sign of submission and trust in dogs, as if to show Hernan that she’s there for him with no expectations or demands.

As the interaction continues, Hernan remains somewhat hesitant and still unsure about the physical contact. However, what stands out is that he doesn’t push Himalaya away. Instead, he seems intrigued by the dog’s unwavering patience and affection. Himalaya, in turn, continues to reach out, occasionally extending her paw to remind him that she’s there whenever he’s ready.


One viewer, touched by the scene, commented, “That kid actually looked sad, and that dog had the intelligence and heart to comfort the boy. That’s amazing.” It’s a sentiment that many who watched the video shared. While we may never fully understand what it’s like to live with Down Syndrome, it’s clear that animals like Himalaya have an extraordinary ability to sense and respond to the needs of those who need comforting.

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What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Another commenter added, “That Awesome Labrador knows that little boy is a special child. They can sense differences in people, so magical and touching.” Indeed, dogs have a unique way of connecting with people, especially those who are vulnerable.

Himalaya’s gentle approach and patience are a testament to the profound impact that animals can have on our lives, offering love and comfort in ways that words often cannot.

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