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Hat-Wearing Rescue Dog Who Beat Cancer Celebrates With A Holiday Surprise

| December 28, 2017

Best Friends Animal Society is a national leader when it comes to animal welfare. They’re the largest no-kill animal shelter in the country, and they’re working hard to lower the number of animals killed in shelters each year. It’s a long process, but 2017 was another year closer to a better future for America’s companion animals. One of the pets they saved this year is Skully.

Diagnosed with cancer, sweet Skully wouldn’t have had a chance in most shelters. But with Best Friends, he received life-saving treatment. A dedicated team of rescuers and veterinary staff knew Skully’s life was worth saving, and they stood by his side while he battled his disease.

One of his ears had to be removed, but specially-made hoods helped him through the ordeal. He loves his hoods, and he loved it even more when his veterinarian announced he was officially cancer-free.

Ready to celebrate his clean bill of health and new chance at life, Skully received a special holiday treat courtesy of Best Friends Animal Society. Every year, caregivers fill a sleigh with donated toys and treats. On Christmas morning, Skully went on an extra long walk to where Santa’s helpers were waiting. He got to nose his way through bags of presents and picked out the perfect toy. The sweet boy has struggled and suffered, but caregivers were overjoyed to see him happy and healthy in time for the holidays.

Hopefully by next Christmas, Skully will be settled into his forever home with a loving family. But until then, he and his friends at the sanctuary continue to rely on generous donations to keep them fed, housed, healthy, and happy. Give the gift of a second chance this holiday season by donating to Best Friends Animal Society.

Featured image screenshot via YouTube

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