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Mom Tells Her Dog Park Is Closed, Pup Throws Hilarious Tantrum To Protest

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| May 9, 2023

Amber is the mother of Walter Geoffrey, a French Bulldog who lives in Austin, Texas. Although he’s undeniably cute, Walter can also be quite vocal, as he showed when Amber told him that the dog park was closed while they were in the car. Despite her explanation, Walter insisted they go there.

Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


While his mother was holding him, Walter started screaming and groaning in his temper. At first, his screams were high-pitched, but then they turned into a deep and furious tone. Even after Amber explained that they couldn’t go to the park due to insect spraying, Walter refused to accept it and continued to protest. However, he eventually calmed down and listened to his mother’s explanation.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


While being held by his mother, Walter began to throw a temper tantrum by screaming and groaning. Initially, his screams were shrill but eventually turned into a more intense and angry tone. Even though Amber told him they couldn’t go to the park because of insect spraying, Walter refused to accept it and continued to protest. However, he eventually settled down and listened to his mother’s explanation. 😆


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


Click the video below to watch this absolutely adorable hissy-fit! 🤣


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