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Family Mourns A “Very Good Girl” In Touching Online Tribute

| July 13, 2017

Losing a dog is never easy, and the best way to honor their memory is to celebrate their life. Stella was found abandoned in a box on the side of the road. It was snowing, and she and her siblings had been left to die. There wasn’t much hope for the tiny black puppy, but miraculously, Stella was one of two babies to survive.

Imgur user Chozlogs took the puppy in, and they grew together to form a tight bond. But when Stella started getting older and cancer ravaged her body, the time to say good-bye came too soon. Stella passed away, but her memory lives on in an online tribute. Titled “For Stella: A Very Good Girl,” the post describes the dog’s life and the impact she had on the family that loved her.

“You were the queen of cuddling and were always there when we needed someone to comfort us.”

Photo Source: Imgur

The letter goes on to happily look back on Stella’s strange obsession for licking the walls and her ultimate passion for playing fetch. She loved belly rubs and making her family happy, but things started to change as old age took over. The Imgur poster said,

“You couldn’t play fetch for nearly as long as you used to, then you couldn’t play at all. You couldn’t walk up the stairs to our bedrooms for cuddle sessions. You couldn’t play. Some days you couldn’t even eat. You couldn’t do the things you loved best, and it broke our hearts.”

Faced with a heartbreaking decision, it was ultimately decided to end Stella’s suffering.

“We knew you were suffering, and so did the vet. Cancer had riddled your bones and left you in pain without end.”

Photo Source: Imgur

The family spent Stella’s last day giving her love and attention. The ailing dog was still in pain, but her family made sure she knew how much she meant to them.

Stella was a good girl with a family that will always miss her and never forget her. They’re grieving the loss of their beloved dog, but they hope other dog owners will take the time to show their pets a little extra love. Life is too short to miss out on moments with your four-legged best friend.

Read the full tribute to Stella on Imgur.

Featured Image Source: Imgur/Chozlogs

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