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Best Pups That Had To Say Goodbye Now Play Together On FaceTime

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| June 12, 2023

Two best friends moved in together during the pandemic, and their dogs truly hit it off! In fact, Sadie and Rollo became so close that they played and cuddled constantly. Where there was Sadie, Rollo was close behind. They’re doggy soulmates!


However, life goes on, and soon it became time for Sadie and his mom to move away. The now-separated dogs had a tough time adjusting to their new lives, so their moms scheduled a FaceTime meetup- but were unsure if the dogs would respond. However, their FaceTime calls went so well that they became a weekly ritual. Their onscreen antics are hilarious!


Rollo and Sadie’s moms understand that they still need their time together and have a standing visit once a month. Rollo will jump on the window sill and wag his tail like crazy when he sees Sadie exit the car. The anticipation is so exciting!


Once reunited, the dogs go berserk! They pick up where they left off, as if time or distance doesn’t apply. The pups’ moms are best friends, and so are they! They’re a match made in doggy heaven!

Rollo and Sadie’s FaceTime calls are adorable! You’ve got to witness all the cuteness for yourself! Check out the BFF pups in the video below!

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