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Dog Vs. Tater Tot…AKA The Funniest Battle You’ve Ever Seen

By: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| May 20, 2015

Dogs are as sneaky as they are cute…which often means they can get away with a lot! Though every pup has his or her own unique personality and preferences, there does tend to be a universal vice among them: food! Specifically, treats they’ve been told they can’t have, or food that’s out of reach.

Some dogs are bolder than others, of course, going to great lengths to see that their coveted snacks arrive safely in their bellies! Argus, the dog you’re about to meet in the video below, is as determined as the best of them. He wastes no time devising a naughty plan to retrieve a rogue tatertot left over from his owner’s breakfast…starting his mission before his human even leaves the room!

Will this adorable little sneak accomplish his goal? Watch the clip below to find out!

Well, you’ve gotta hand it to sweet, confident Argus…he sure doesn’t quit! What’s the funniest attempt your dogs have made at doing something they shouldn’t be doing? Share your most amusing stories with us in the comments!

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