The love and loyalty of our canine companions is absolutely unwavering. Combine that with an amazing sense of smell, and you have the perfect combination for finding a lost loved one.
So when one doggy dad had been lost in the Sonoran Desert for almost a week, and search parties were unable to find him, they turned to his furry best friend for help.

On November 27th, Gregorio Romero left his home in Moctezuma, Mexico to take a long, leisurely walk. But what was intended to be a simple, afternoon endeavor, turned into an eight day long ordeal after he got lost in the Sonoran Desert.
It was four days after they last saw him that his family finally found it necessary to report him missing. After all, Gregorio has been known to set out on foot to visit nearby villages. But when he had not returned home after four long days, his family started to get worried.
While it may be in his usual routine to take long walks, Gregorio is 84, and sometimes suffers from memory loss.
The National Guard, Municipal Police, Municipal Civil Protection Unit, and even trained detection dogs (sniffer dogs) spent an entire week looking for him. Yet, they were still unable to track him down. As a last resort, they turned to Gregorio’s own dog, “El Palomo,” for help finding his disappearing dad.
Despite there being so many highly trained professionals on the job, search parties failed to find Gregorio. But his devoted dog led the police to his beloved best friend.
“The unconditional love of his pet allowed Gregorio to be reunited with his family, because it was El Palomo who led the authorities to where he was,” said the police.
With the help of El Palomo, they were finally able to find Gregorio. He led them two miles across hills, paths, and ravines before someone in the search party spotted him. Not only was it his canine companion who was the reason he was rescued, but his dog’s devotion didn’t diminish after his dad was finally found.

Gregorio was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was treated for dehydration and malnutrition, and for two whole days, his loyal, loving companion waited right outside the hospital doors.
“El Palomo remained by the hospital door day and night waiting for the recovery of his beloved Gregorio,” said the authorities.
That incredible amount of loyalty is exactly why we love our furry family members so much. Their love is unwavering and unconditional. What a good boy!
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