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Dog Hides Behind Couch While Watching Darth Vader in ‘Star Wars’

Written by: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an Editorial Contributor at In her free time, she enjoys spending moments with her family and caring for her eight cats.Read more
| Published on May 9, 2024

“Star Wars” is a famous movie that has been loved for many years. It’s known for its exciting story and memorable characters. Not just people, but even pets like the movie! A golden retriever named Ellie recently watched “Star Wars” for the first time. Her reaction was hilarious!

Ellie’s Funny Moment

Image Source Credit via Twitter

Ellie’s reaction was caught on a TikTok video. When Darth Vader showed up, looking scary as he walked into the rebel ship, Ellie felt scared and hid behind the couch. But she was still curious and kept watching the movie by peeking out from behind the couch. 

The video quickly became very popular online. It was first shared on TikTok and watched by 3.6 million people. It also got a lot of attention on Twitter, where even more people watched it.

Star Comments

Image Source Credit via Twitter

Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars,” saw the video too. He thought Ellie was smart to hide and joked that he wished he had done the same when he first met Darth Vader. Because so many people enjoyed the video, they now want to see how Ellie reacts to other parts of “Star Wars,” especially the big surprises in the next movies.

Ellie’s video shows that the fun of “Star Wars” isn’t just for people. Even dogs can get in on the excitement, showing how much everyone, even pets, can enjoy a good story.

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