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Crooked-Faced Rescue Dog Hopes To Find A Home For The Holidays

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| December 6, 2017

Courtney Bellew, director of Special Needs Animal Rescue (SNARR) in White Plains, NY has devoted her life to saving the broken, sick, elderly and unwanted dogs of New York, New Jersey and beyond.

When she learned about a special dog with facial deformities abandoned at a Tennessee home by his former owners, she knew that he was just the kind of challenge she lives for.

The puppy’s name is Woody and his uniquely shaped face is not a sign of a health problem, but the result of a previous injury.

“We found out that when he was 5 weeks old, he was attacked by another dog and [his owners] never got vet care for him,” Bellew told The Dodo. “So his face is crooked because of this attack. But he seems fine otherwise. He’s happy. He doesn’t seem to have any medical issues from the attack.”

Poor Woody spent six weeks chained up outside his former home, surviving on food provided by neighbors, before someone finally contacted Bellew. As soon as the seasoned rescuer met him, she fell in love.

“We think he’s about 8 months old, but he acts like he’s about 8 weeks old,” Bellew added. “He’s very playful and very affectionate. He’s a typical goofy Pittie puppy. Because his face is kind of cute and silly looking, the personality and face together just make him extra adorable.”

In addition to his adorable face and silly personality, Woody also has a heart of gold. His foster mom, Jamie Bond told The Dodo:

“The first day we had Woody I was sick with a fever. He knew something wasn’t right and never left my side. He snuggled with me on the couch all afternoon. Now he’s my shadow, always following wherever I go, making sure I’m safe and sound. Woody loves to curl up on the bed and put his head on my chest.”

But like any puppy, he has his faults – such as chasing cats.

“He jumps, and he doesn’t really know basic commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay,’” Bellew said. “I don’t think he was ever a loved house pet. I think that he was sort of a dog who was left to his own devices, even when the people still lived there.”

Despite these minor issues, Woody is already responding to the love and security he is getting in his foster home and will surely continue to improve with training and structure.

If you are interested in Woody, you can find more information and fill out an adoption application on the SNARR website. Keep in mind, Woody is located in New York and would do best in a home without cats or other male dogs. He does, however, get along with female dogs.

Be sure to follow Woody’s progress on the SNARR Facebook page.


H/T to The Dodo

Featured Image via Facebook/SNARR Animal Rescue Northeast


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