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Dog’s Spirit Crushed After Being Dumped By Family In Middle of Nowhere

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| May 3, 2024

On an unremarkable day that transformed into an unforgettable one, Adri and her partner were making their way along a remote road back to their Georgian residence. Amid the calm of the scarcely traveled route, a surprising and touching scene unfolded before them: a senior Beagle, appearing frail and alone, was aimlessly wandering across the asphalt. Alarmed at the sight and moved by a deep sense of empathy, the couple immediately halted their journey. Without hesitation, they stepped out to rescue the distressed animal, driven by a profound concern for her well-being.


Upon approaching the Beagle, their hearts sank as they observed her pitiful state—her eyes brimming with fear and confusion. Adri tenderly caressed the Beagle, whispering words of comfort to soothe her anxiety. Resolved to protect her, they gently lifted her into their vehicle and brought her to the safety of their home, hopeful yet uncertain about finding her rightful owners.

Back at home, they discovered the Beagle was without a collar or microchip, an unfortunate indication of her uncertain past. Despite this setback, the couple launched a fervent search for her possible owners. They reached out to local animal shelters, posted her photos on various social media platforms, and tapped into community networks. Yet, days turned into weeks with no claimants coming forward.

During this time, Mocha, as they affectionately named her, exhibited signs of deep-seated trauma. She was exceptionally shy, constantly hiding her face under furniture and refusing to make eye contact. Her tail remained tucked between her legs, a telltale sign of her lingering fear and mistrust. Adri’s heart ached for Mocha, understanding her behavior as a response to her previous hardships.


Determined to alleviate her fears, Adri and her partner speculated that Mocha might be missing puppies she had recently mothered. With hopes of reuniting her with her puppies or at least providing closure, they took her back to the spot where she was found to search for any sign of her offspring. After a thorough search yielded no results, the couple were left with a heavy heart, surmising that Mocha had been heartlessly abandoned following her recent labor.

In the weeks that followed, Adri and her partner introduced Mocha to their resident rescue dogs. This interaction marked a pivotal moment in Mocha’s rehabilitation. The resident dogs, sensing her apprehension, gently encouraged her to join in their games. Slowly, through observing and interacting with her fellow canines, Mocha began to rediscover her dog instincts—playing, sniffing, and eventually wagging her tail with tentative happiness.

Despite making progress with the other dogs, Mocha remained wary of direct human contact, particularly with Adri. To bridge this gap, Adri employed a creative approach by using the glass patio door as a barrier through which Mocha could observe and grow accustomed to her presence. Initially, Adri would simply place her hand against the glass while calling Mocha’s name. Motivated by curiosity and encouraged by the other dogs’ interactions with Adri, Mocha gradually approached the door.

Over time, the barrier of the glass door helped diminish Mocha’s fear of direct contact. Adri took the next step by extending her hand slightly ajar from the door, inviting Mocha for closer interaction. To Adri’s delight, Mocha responded by tentatively licking her fingers, a gesture that overflowed Adri’s heart with joy and hope.


After several weeks of patient, gentle coaxing and countless moments of shared stillness and understanding, Mocha bravely sidled up to Adri and sat beside her. It was a monumental breakthrough—Mocha had initiated contact on her own terms, showing trust and affection towards the person who had never given up on her.

From that point forward, Mocha’s transformation was remarkable. She became more responsive, playful, and visibly happier. The couple, who had initially intended to find Mocha a new home, realized that she had already found her forever home—with them. Their initial act of rescue had blossomed into a deep, enduring love.

Mocha’s story is a profound testament to the power of love and patience. Her journey from a scared, abandoned animal to a beloved family pet exemplifies the impact of compassionate rescue and the eternal bond that can develop between humans and animals. In finding Adri and her partner, Mocha not only discovers a safe haven but also a place where she is truly cherished and loved.

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