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Bring Your Dog To Work: 4 Tips For A Model Canine Coworker

| June 2, 2015

In this dog loving and accepting population, more and more companies are implementing “bring your dog to work” days. These days could be wonderful for a dog owner who enjoys spending time with their dog, but may be a nightmare for the office workers that barely tolerate four-legged creatures. Here are a few tips to ensure maximum enjoyment for all employees on days the canines are in the house!

1. Prepare for everything

Dogs may not be familiar right off the bat, so it is always better to be safe than sorry! Begin by taping down loose electrical wires and padding desk corners. While analyzing the work space, decide where the dog will snooze. Will a blanket or dog bed fit into the space? If not, will the dog be okay without one for the day?

This may be the most laid back dog in the world, but it also a new environment for him. He may be a little anxious. Co-workers that aren’t keen on dogs may also be a little anxious. Bring a baby gate or some other barrier to keep the dog in the office/cubicle area. This will give everyone a chance to get used to the new dynamic.

2. Shake those sillies out

Before arriving at the office, get in some extra exercise to rid the dog of any pent up energy. If standard practice is a fifteen minute walk, add ten minutes of fetch on top of it or another fifteen minute walk. Exercise lowers a dog’s energy level, reduces anxiety and brings calm to a new situation. By getting some of the extra sillies out, the dog will be more receptive to the new situation.

3. Break up the routine

Consider the dogs needs while engaging in standard routines. If a regular schedule is working straight through lunch and beyond, rethink the schedule and plan on taking a short break every couple of hours. By taking the dog out every so often, it may make the trip a positive experience and will reduce the chance of elimination on the office furniture.

4. Fresh is best

It’s no secret, dogs have a distinctive odor. Some breeds are more aromatic than others. While the owner may be used to their dogs unique smell, not everyone finds “Eau de Canine” charming. Before taking the dog to the office, it may be best to take the dog to the groomer for a spruce up. Or give the dog a bath at home. During the scrub down, best to check for fleas. No matter how easy going the workplace may be, no company is complacent enough to tolerate fleas on the furniture.

When taking a dog into the work environment, use common sense and common courtesy.  Make sure the dog has manners and uses them.


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