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Women Awed When Lifeless Puppy’s Chest Rose And Fell

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| June 27, 2024

Witnessing a small puppy alone and in distress is one of the most heartbreaking sights imaginable. Unfortunately, it is a common plight as countless dogs are either abandoned or lost across the globe. This particular puppy’s situation was just as dire. She was discovered by two women in the middle of a road, barely noticeable as she lay sleeping, vulnerable to being overlooked or worse, stepped on by passersby. From a mere glance, the signs of neglect were evident. The puppy was malnourished, her skin dry and showing signs of mange. Recognizing her urgent need for care, the women quickly transported her to a veterinary clinic for immediate attention.


Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Fortuitously, the veterinary assessment brought hopeful news; her condition, though serious, was treatable. She was expected to make a full recovery within a few weeks. The decision was made to keep her at the clinic during her recovery period. Remarkably, by the following day, there were already signs of improvement in her health. Her appetite returned, and she showed a zest for life, playing joyfully in the clinic’s yard. During her stay, she began to mingle with other stray dogs at the clinic, gradually forming new friendships. Her recovery journey continued positively, and she was soon transferred to a shelter, awaiting someone to adopt her into a loving home. Given her endearing and playful nature, it seemed likely she would soon find a new family.


By now, we have no doubt she’s already in a forever home, enjoying all the love imaginable! Let’s do our part and share stories like this one to bring awareness to homeless animals. Please consider adopting a shelter pet or volunteering at a local rescue organization.

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