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Puppy Buried His Face In ‘Denial’ After He Sees His Mom Being Crushed By A Car

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| April 8, 2022

Marley the puppy began his life on Earth with the worst possible start, leaving his soul damaged and beaten. He was brought into this world on the mean streets, but his homeless mother dog did her best to care for him. But when Marley’s mother was killed by a vehicle, his little bubble of security burst. The sobbing puppy witnessed as his beloved mama died in front of him before finally accepting it.

He was so startled, terrified, and haunted that he refused to leave his mother’s dead body on the busy road. Even when help arrived, he was too disturbed to believe it. When they moved him, he tried to bite them. But thankfully, one of the rescuers was able to save him before being hit by a vehicle.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


He was shy around people, hiding behind bookshelves and tables to avoid being seen. When someone came near him, he would turn his back to the wall and curl up his body in a last-ditch attempt to conceal himself. He was terrified, lonely, and bewildered at the core, and no amount of compassion made sense to him

Marley’s loneliness was made worse by the fact that his two workers were bitten several times in their bids to win Marley’s confidence. He was consumed with sadness and despaired of being seen, but the employees were adamant about getting him out of it. They began bringing other canines into his life, and this helped him relax somewhat. His progress was excruciatingly slow, but he eventually matured into a modest dog after months of therapy.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


When Marley was adopted into his new family, he believed he had discovered a secure haven of contentment. However, the “forever” period was only a few months long. Marley is quite sensitive, and his canine sibling never warmed up to him. His new family became weary of him and gave him back to the shelter after they could no longer deal with his suppressed emotional scars surfacing every now and then.

Marley was heartbroken to be back in the shelter, and the terrible upheaval shattered him even more. His custodians were furious because they knew Marley had worked very hard to get his life back on track with a smile on his face. They relocated the lovely 1-year-old to a cozy foster home, where he set out to overcome his obstacles using the support of his intelligent foster parent.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video


Marley’s life has been a tragic train wreck, and his past will always be a part of him. But he is still a strong survivor who has transformed himself into an amiable puppy with an unimpaired capacity to love others. We hope that he may discover a good family that accepts him fully and provides him with the security he deserves.

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