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Abandoned With 2 Broken Legs, This Pup Never Stopped Loving

| February 4, 2016

Sometimes, life can get you down. Especially when you are a puppy with two broken legs. Unless you are this guy. Chewie, an Yorkshire Terrier puppy, doesn’t let anything get him down. Seriously, you are about to meet the happiest Yorkie pup on Earth. Be warned – he will steal your heart!

Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation
Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation

Chewie was found abandoned in a Santa Ana park in Orange County, California. He was found and picked up by OC Animal Care, who knew they had to help this poor, sweet puppy. His front legs were fractured and were just starting to heal, which meant the injury had likely happened weeks before.

His sweet personality and trusting nature made the rescue suspect he had had a family at one point.

OC Animal Care speculates that his family could not provide the health care necessary to fix his legs so instead of taking him to the doctor or the shelter; he was left at the park.

Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation
Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation

Through their Noble Friends Foundation a 501 (c)(3) they raised funds for his surgery and ongoing care.

Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation
Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation

Even in casts, Chewie was unstoppable; he was running, jumping, seemingly a new dog. Except, this puppy needed a home. OC Animal Care took care of that too. He is now living a couple blocks from the sand with the perfect family in Huntington Beach.

Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation
Image source: OC Animal Care and Noble Friends Foundation

PAWsitive just released this video of the cutest Yorkie puppy who had two broken legs, was abandoned in a park and still can’t help but love everybody he meets. He will steal your heart, watch it below:

We are so happy this little guy is in his forever home with people who love and are caring for him the way he deserves! You can help by donating to the Noble Friends Foundation and by sharing his story!

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