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This Disease Affects 80% of Malteses. Is Your Pup Silently Suffering?

By: Tarit Das
Tarit is a Special Projects Coordinator at,, and The Hero Company. He likes pets for their honesty and loyalty and believes they have no match. They are one of the most selfless creatures and just love to be around their owners.Read more
| January 1, 2016

The thought of our Malteses silently suffering from a easily preventable disease is absolutely heartbreaking. Yet studies show that as many as 85% of dogs over the age of 3 years old are suffering from a disease that is not only extremely painful, but outright deadly.

What condition are we talking about? Periodontal disease.

Unfortunately periodontal disease is more than just a cosmetic issue. In addition to causing inflammation, bad breath, tooth loss, and pain for your dog, bacteria that starts in the gums can work its way into the bloodstream and affect the lungs, the kidneys, and even the heart. This condition could be causing your Maltese to suffer in silence.

The Simple Solution (That Most Maltese Owners Fail to Do)

We’ve all heard that we should brush our dog’s teeth daily. Many of us, myself included, find this ritual especially taxing between the demands of everyday life and the fact that most dogs absolutely abhor this ritual.

While there is no substitute for brushing and periodic vet cleanings, there are some easier to follow steps we can all take to improve the health of our pup’s mouths.

An Easy Step In The Right Direction

Chewing can act as nature’s toothbrush. However, because typical dog food kibble tends to be high in carbs (leading to the accumulation of food around the gums) chewing regular old dog kibble simply isn’t enough.

Dental chews are a fantastic way to stimulate mechanical abrasion and remove debris and plaque from the mouth. In our research however, many of the products on the market contain a laundry list of questionable ingredients, artificial coloring and preservatives, or wheat and gluten. (This research actually led us to to spend over a year developing our own line of Grain Free Dental Chews)

Another way to stimulate your dog’s chewing is through durable toys with an abrasive surface that helps grind away plaque. The best toys are those with a course surface to more effectively remove food fragments.

Our main point is this: Whatever you do, do something! Your Maltese deserves the best, and while its easy to forget about their dental health, it contributes immensely to their overall health.

If you’d like to learn more about our new line of Triple Enzyme, Grain Free Dental Sticks, please click here. As with all our products, each bag provides healthy meals for shelter & rescue dogs!

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