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3 Simple Ways To Keep Your Newfoundland’s Teeth Clean

By: Tarit Das
Tarit is a Special Projects Coordinator at,, and The Hero Company. He likes pets for their honesty and loyalty and believes they have no match. They are one of the most selfless creatures and just love to be around their owners.Read more
| October 13, 2016

Dental health is an important part of your dog’s overall wellness and should not be overlooked. This is even more so if you own Newfoundland, who are more prone to dental problems than some breeds. Keeping your pup’s teeth clean has been emphasized relatively recently and a lot of people are still simply unaware of the risks. However, just like people, there are many oral diseases that dogs can and do get that could lead to even greater problems down the road. While a yearly dental cleaning is likely recommended by your veterinarian, there are also things we can do at home to help keep our Newfoundland’s teeth squeaky clean.

Image Source @ thank Dog. photography Via Flicr
Image Source @ thank Dog. photography Via Flicr

#1 – Brush Those Teeth

Brushing teeth is probably the most effective way to prevent dental disease and tooth decay. Unfortunately, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. Don’t feel discouraged if the first time doesn’t go as planned – many dogs and puppies need to be started slowly. It’s an odd sensation for them and with a little positive training you’ll be able to brush your dog’s teeth without issue. Choose the right toothbrush and dog-specific toothpaste. These toothpastes are made with ingredients safe for dogs, whereas human toothpaste has ingredients that are quite toxic. Brushing teeth will remove and prevent plaque and tartar build up and keep your dog’s dental health in tip-top shape. While brushing every day is ideal, even once or twice a week will provide major benefits.

#2 – Utilize Dental Chews

Quality dental chews are a major benefit to your Newfoundland’s overall health and well-being. They are made specifically to clean your dog’s teeth almost as effectively, or as effectively, as brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The chewing action scrapes off plaque and tartar and they are filled with ingredients to help prevent further build-up and make your dog’s breath fresher. What’s better is that most dogs absolutely love a good dental chew! They are a delicious treat that your dog won’t even know is healthy and some are long-lasting to keep their minds occupied too. Dental chews are one of the easiest ways to improve your dog’s dental health and we think the dogs agree.

Be careful when considering a quality chew however, as many products contain questionable ingredients, or excessive fat or calories. (Our own research led us to develop our own Grain & Gluten Free Dental Chews)


#3 – Feed Quality Food

Feeding a high-quality, health food is an excellent way to keep your Newfoundland’s oral health in check. Nourishing the body means that teeth will grow stronger and your dog’s overall health will benefit greatly. Avoid ingredients like grains, by-products and meals that are not only unhealthy but stick to your dog’s teeth. Poor-quality foods will increase plaque and tartar build-up and keep your pet’s dental health and immune system functioning far below their ideal strength. Whole foods with natural ingredients often contain enzymes and other supplements that help break down unwanted build-up on teeth, but even dog’s feed natural diets should have their teeth brushed and dental health checked regularly.

The iHeartDogs team is very passionate about dental health. The thought of our pups suffering in silence from periodontal disease is absolutely heartbreaking.

To learn more about our new Triple Enzyme, Grain Free Dental Chews, click here. Currently we’re offering 38% off when you purchase 3 or more bags.


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